2nd ARIES Accelerator Communication and Outreach Workshop
In the context of H2020 project ARIES "Training, Communication and Outreach for Accelerator Science" activities, the Consortium aims to develop the communication initiatives across the European accelerator community. In this context, we organised the first Accelerator Communication and Outreach in November 2018. The community agreed on a specific set of activities, which we now aim to review.
The 2nd ARIES Accelerator Communication and Outreach Workshop will take place on 27-28 February 2020, with the goal of reflecting on our previous conclusions and set up a strategy for the future of accelerator communication and outreach, bringing together the community of communication officers to potentiate the impact of communications and outreach for particle physics’ and light sources’ accelerators.
Read an overview of the event in acceleratingnews.eu
Registrations are moderated.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 under Grant Agreement No 730871.