The Conference consists in three days of parallel sessions on High Energy Physics, Exoplanets and Dark Matter & Underground Experiments (December 9th to 11th) at ICAS-UNSAM (Buenos Aires) followed by common plenary sessions of all fields (December 12th to 14th) in Las Grutas (Rio Negro).
At noon of December 14th, an artistic and music act will serve as a prelude to the total Solar Eclipse that will occur at 1.18PM. The venue will be the Las Grutas beach in the Argentinian Patagonia, and after the Eclipse an outstanding banquet will be served for participants who will enjoy different artistic performances that will provide a unique mood and environment for such an apotheosic astronomic event.
More info here
Local Organizers
- Prof. Ezequiel Alvarez (ICAS, UNSAM)
- Prof. Xavier Bertou (CAB, CNEA)
- Prof. Daniel de Florian (ICAS, UNSAM)
- Prof. Rodrigo Díaz (ICAS, UNSAM)
Confirmed Participants:
Gerard t'Hooft (ITP-Utrecht) Nobel Laureate Physics 1999
David Gross (KITP-Santa Barbara) Nobel Laureate Physics 2004
Michel Mayor (Geneva) Nobel Laureate Physics 2019