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TH String Theory Seminar

Wilson Lines in 3D de Sitter

by Claire Zukowski (Amsterdam University)

Zoom only (CERN)

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Zoom virtual seminar:

Abstract:  I will discuss some recent work on constructing local probes in de Sitter, using the Chern-Simons formulation of 3D gravity. We construct Wilson lines in the static patch of Euclidean dS_3 gravity, built with non-unitary representations of so(4) and evaluated using certain states that satisfy a singlet condition. This allows us to reproduce the Green’s functions of massive scalar fields in de Sitter, the construction of bulk fields, and the quasinormal mode spectrum. I will also discuss the interpretation of our results in Lorentzian signature via an analytic continuation to SL(2,C) Chern-Simons theory.