Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

15–17 Jun 2022
America/Bogota timezone
This is the fourth Colombian Workshop on flavor physics. We hope to bring together young and senior particle physicists from Colombia and abroad, to discuss and enjoy the particle physics and related areas in a friendly environment.

Quark mixing matrix from mass matrices with the maximum number of texture zeros

Not scheduled


Prof. Yithsbey Giraldo Úsuga (Universidad de Nariño)


In this work we carry out an exhaustive study to find quark mass matrices in the Standard Model (SM), with the maximum number of texture zeros consistent with the experimental data. We found four viable configurations of five texture zeros that adjust the quark masses, the mixing angles and the CP violation phase, with deviations below 1σ level respect to the current SM best fit values. One of the most important aspects of this work is an economic procedure to find the texture zeros: we resort to the weak basis transformation method, which, as we will show, exhaustively search every possible configuration. We report various leading order relations between the mixing angles and the quark masses for each case.

Primary author

Prof. Yithsbey Giraldo Úsuga (Universidad de Nariño)


Presentation materials

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