Indian Institutions-Fermilab Neutrino School
The quantum theory of Standard Model (SM) has been very successful in explaining the observed part of the Universe. However, there are many loopholes in SM. One such thing is: observed non-zero neutrino mass. This was observed through neutrino oscillation from one flavour to another flavour. There are dozens of experiments across the world to study different properties of neutrinos. These experiments try to answer few unsolved questions such as:
(1) Are neutrino's follow normal of inverted hierarchy ?
(2) Is there CP violation in neutrino sector ?
(3) What are the absolute masses of neutrinos ?
and many more. The neutrino school at NISER will focus on details theory and experimental methods as well as challenges.
This school is primarily aimed at PhD students working in neutrino experiment/theory/phenomenology.