Texas A&M Physics & Astronomy Graduate Program Open House

M108 (MIST)



Mitchell Institute for Fundamental Physics & Astronomy
Alexei Safonov (Texas A & M University (US)), Alexey Akimov (Texas A & M University)
    • Sunday Tours and Dinner: Sunday Afternoon and Evening Tours
      Convener: Jeremy Holt
    • Travel from Hampton Inn to Mitchell Physics & Astronomy: Travel from Hampton inn to Mitchell Physics & Astronomy
    • Monday Morning Common Session: Morning Introductions, Talks and Panels
      • 1
        Welcome to Physics & Astronomy at Texas A&M University
        Speaker: Grigory Rogachev (Texas A&M University)
      • 2
        Speaker: Alexei Safonov (Texas A & M University (US))
      • 3
        Research Opportunities at Texas A&M Physics & Astronomy
        Speaker: Prof. George Welch
      • 4
        Graduate Program: Tracks, requirements, coursework
        Speakers: Raechel Superville, Sherree Kessler
      • 5
        Travel Logistics, Paperwork, Reimbursements
        Speakers: Frances Ellison (Texas A & M University), Frances Ellison (Texas A&M University), Sharon Wilson
      • 6
        Panel Discussion: Graduate Students Life in College Station
        Speakers: Derek Anderson (Texas A&M University), James Gerity (Texas A&M University), Mariia Shutova, Sarah Cantu, Sean O'Connor, Stefania Dede, Tarini Konchady, Taylor Hutchison
    • Lunch: Lunch in the Garden
    • Monday Tours & Individual Faculty Meetings: Tours & Meetings with Faculty
      • 7
        Meetings with Faculty
      • 8
        AMO Labs Tour

        Attendants (3):
        Joseph Harrington
        Ruoyu Fang
        William Shannon

        Speaker: Prof. Alexey Akimov (Texas A & M University)
      • 9
        High Energy Physics Labs

        Attendants (6):
        Nick Kyriacou
        Adam Lux
        Keilah Davis
        Cristhian González-Ortiz
        Molly Wakeling
        Emily Harris

        Speaker: David Toback (Texas A & M University (US))
      • 10
        Accelerator Physics Lab

        Attendants (3):
        Joseph Harrington
        Nick Kyriacou
        Cristhian González-Ortiz

        Speaker: Peter McIntyre (Texas A&M University)
      • 11
        Cyclotron Tour

        A superconducting cyclotron, advanced ECR ion sources and experimental detectors complex enabling research in the areas of nuclear structure, weak interactions, exotic nuclei, nuclear astrophysics, intermediate-energy reaction dynamics, nuclear thermodynamics, the nuclear equation of state, atomic physics and applied nuclear science.

        Attendants (6):
        Adam Lux
        Keilah Davis
        Molly Wakeling
        Ruoyu Fang
        William Shannon
        Emily Harris

        Speakers: Dan Melconian, Dan Melconian (Cyclotron Institute and Texas A&M University), Dan Melconian (Cyclotron Institute/Texas A&M University)
      • 12
        Meetings with Faculty
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        Astronomy Instrumentation Lab Tour

        The Munnerlyn Astronomical Instrumentation Laboratory designs and builds state-of-the-art instruments for optical and near-infrared observations of the Universe. We build cameras and spectrographs that are used on the world's largest telescopes that enable the execution of programs to measure fundamental characteristics of the dark matter, dark energy, the creation and evolution of all elements and stars, and other astronomical objects.

        Attendants (6):
        Nick Kyriacou
        Adam Lux
        Keilah Davis
        Molly Wakeling
        William Shannon
        Emily Harris

        Speaker: Darren Depoy
      • 14
        Meetings with Faculty
    • Monday Night Party: Assemble at 6.30pm, shuttle departs at 6.45pm, party starts at 7.00pm
      Convener: Wenhao Wu (Texas A & M University)