Informative meeting for mentors of CERN-HSF GSoC 2020

31/3-004 - IT Amphitheatre (CERN)

31/3-004 - IT Amphitheatre


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Andrei Gheata (CERN), Antoine Perus (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR)), Xavier Valls Pla (CERN)
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      Student-organization interaction period

      HSF has been accepted by Google as CERN-HSF umbrella organization in the GSoC 2020 program! Most of the project proposals have already been published in the HSF GSoC website and therefore students are starting to contact mentors.

      Thus, we are now in the student-organization interaction period (Feb. 20 – Mar. 16), when mentors are supposed to:

      • Evaluate their students by means of coding exercises. The objective is to verify that the student has the required skills for the proposed work and to find out which student/s are strong candidates for the project. See attachment for an exercise example.

      • Be responsive when students contact them. This is a template that you can use to answer to prospective candidates for your project.

      • Sign up if not done yet at:
        * The GSoC website (invitations have been sent, please contact us if you have not received it).
        * The CERN-HSF Google group
        Please note that signing up does not guarantee a student!

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      Further steps

      Discussion about the following phases of GSoC, detailed here. These phases include:

      • Student application period (March 16 - March 31)

      • Community bonding period (April 27 – May 18)

      • Work period (May 18 – Aug 17)

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      Open question session

      Time for the mentors to ask any question about GSoC at CERN-HSF.