Neutrino Cross Talk: New Physics at the DUNE Near Detector

Vidyo only (CERN)

Vidyo only



Vidyo-only meeting. Please consider the following suggestions to make the meeting more successful:

  • Enter your real name when logging in
  • When asking a question (which is highly encouraged!), say your name first
  • Speakers are encouraged to stay connected for a couple of minutes after the end of the last talk in case someone wants to ask a question that they didn't want to ask in front of everyone.
  • If you see someone online whom you'd like to catch up with after the talks, feel free to drop them a private message (e.g. via Skype)
  • We regret that we can't serve coffee and cookies via Vidyo yet.
Joachim Kopp
    • 15:00 15:30
      The DUNE Near Detector Complex 30m
      Speaker: Steven Manly (University of Rochester (US))
    • 15:40 16:10
      BSM Searches at the DUNE Near Detector 30m
      Speaker: Dr Yu-Dai Tsai (Fermilab)