Warwick Week is a summer school that has been running at the University of Warwick for 12 years. It's goal is to address fields of modern particle physics from an experimental point of view, to balance the theory that will be given at the STFC summer school. We will look at the current state of flavour, neutrino, LHC and particle astrophysics.
Due to Covid-19 this will be solely online in 2020. Connection details to the presentation and chat platforms are given below.
Connection Information:
Blackboard Collaborate : https://eu.bbcollab.com/guest/6b3f8932c4fb49d4ba854708414d8de8
Slack Chat and Commentary link : https://join.slack.com/t/ww-2020/shared_invite/zt-fhzf5kmu-36hk2hDGhEdPpvcSlyCF1g
Feedback Form : https://forms.gle/KHiDkhtdSxHT9Fnq9