In this work, for the first time the implementation of the 3-3-1 model with right-handed neutrinos without exotic electric charges in SARAH package of MATHEMATICA is presented, and it shows how it correctly reproduces the analytical results of the model. As proof of this, we present the mass matrices for the quark sectors, where a Higgs sector with three scalar triplets has been used. Then,...
It is presented a non-universal $U(1)_{X}$ extension to the Standard Model with two scalar doublets, two scalar singlets, three additional quark singlets, two lepton singlets and three generations of right-handed and Majorana neutrinos is made to explain lepton mass hierarchy and muon anomalous magnetic moment in a chiral anomaly free framework. Besides, neutrino mass generation is achieved by...
The three-loop corrections to the Higgs boson mass are usually computed in the on-shell scheme using the effective potential approach, where the external momentum are put equal to zero. In this presentation we are going to discuss the technical details for the Feynman diagrammatic computation of the external momentum dependence coming from the three-loop self-energy corrections to the Higgs...
This contribution explores the Machine Learning techniques and Quantum Computing concepts and applications in High Energy Physics considering a phenomenological and theoretical view. Besides, we show the main tools to explore the Standard Model extensions, decay process and the parameter space. With this set of tools, we want to explore the bounds and define exclusion regions, those bounds...
In this talk I will present our recent advances in the calculation of scattering amplitudes using strong homotopy algebras. This prescription inspired from string field theory allows to construct a generating function for all the tree-level scattering amplitudes. Several examples will be presented.
In this work, we consider a non-quadratic dilaton $\Phi(z)=(\kappa\,z)^{2-\alpha}$ in the context of the static soft wall model to describe the mass spectrum of a wide range of vector mesons from the light up to the heavy sectors. The effect of this non-quadratic approach is translated into non-linear Regge trajectories with the generic form $M^2=a\,(n+b)^\nu$. We apply this sort of fits for...
Theories with anisotropy between space and time, also called Horava-Lifshtiz (HL) theories, has been studied in many works since the seminal paper of P. Horava was published, where the Lifshitz scaling is used to construct a power counting renormalizable gravity model. The Lifshitz scaling is described by the transformation $x\rightarrow bx$, $t\rightarrow b^zt$, where the integer $z$ is...
The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) is one of the next generation of neutrino experiments in construction in the USA under an international scheme. Colombian institutions are involved in the development of the DUNE experiment as an example of how Latin American countries can help design one mega-science experiment. This talk summarizes the Colombian activities in the design of the...
The Precision Reactor Oscillation and Spectrum Experiment (PROSPECT) is an above-ground antineutrino experiment at short baselines located at the High Flux Isotope Reactor (HFIR) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). This experiment's physics goals include searching for the existence of sterile neutrinos and precisely measuring the antineutrino energy spectrum. At PROSPECT, antineutrinos...
The KM3NeT Neutrino Observatory is being built in two abyssal sites in the Mediterranean Sea: ARCA (IT), optimized for astrophysical neutrinos, and ORCA (FR), optimized for atmospheric neutrinos studies. The KM3NeT observatory will host the largest water Cherenkov detectors ever built in the northern hemisphere, providing real-time and high-bandwidth connection to shore, also available for...
We investigate the observational constraints on the cosmic neutrino background (CNB) given by the extended $\Lambda$CDM scenario ($\Lambda$CDM $+ N_{\rm eff} + \sum m_{\nu} + c^2_{\rm eff} + c^2_{\rm vis} + \xi_{\nu}$) using the latest observational data from Planck CMB (temperature power spectrum, low-polarisation and lensing reconstruction), baryon acoustic oscillations (BAOs), the new...
The remarkable discovery of gravitational waves from binary black hole mergers has given us a new way to study our universe. The origin of the black hole binaries remains unclear, I investigate whether information on the effective spin of binary black hole mergers from the LIGO-Virgo gravitational wave detections can be used to discriminate primordial versus astrophysical black holes. I will...
Indirect dark matter detection is a powerful search method that allows to explore a very wide range of the dark matter mass spectrum. I will present our recent results in which we exploit multi-messenger astrophysical observations to explore the allowed parameter space for various archetypal dark matter candidates with masses in the range 10 GeV to 10^16 GeV. Throughout my talk, I will...
In this talk we present the phenomenology of the Z5 model for two-component dark matter. This model, which can be seen as an extension of the well-known singlet scalar model, features two complex scalar fields--the dark matter particles--that are Standard Model singlets but have different charges under a Z5 symmetry. The interactions allowed by the Z5 give rise to novel processes between the...
We study a scalar dark matter (DM) model with two DM species coupled to standard model (SM) particles via a sub-GeV dark photon. The two DM candidates can be produced at fixed-target experiment a la Beam-Dump. Predictions for signal and backgrounds are obtained with the help of MadDump and NuWro Montecarlo generators. We explore the potential reach on the sensitivity of DUNE near detector...
A possibility to attempt at observing Dark Matter is to produce it at high energy colliders such as the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). LHC proton-proton collisions might result in the production of WIMPS in association with one or more QCD jets, photons as well as other detectable SM debris. Since WIMPs are electrically neutral and cosmologically stable massive particles, they manifest at...
Dark Matter and neutrinos are one of the most puzzling components of the Universe. Neutrino masses can be explained by radiative processes where Dark Matter particles are involved. Such models are known as Scotogenic DM models. The Dark Matter candidate in these models are stable thanks to the same symmetry that protect the radiative process. We present a realization of the scotogenic model...
We propose a general method to find anomaly free Abelian standard model extensions with radiative Dirac netrino masses and DM matter candidates
The evaporation of primordial black holes (PBH) with masses ranging from ~10^-1 to ~10^9 g could have generated the whole observed dark matter (DM) relic density. It is typically assumed that after being produced, its abundance freezes and remains constant. However, thermalization and number-changing processes in the dark sector can have a strong impact, in particular enhancing the DM...
We studied a neutrino decay scenario as a potential solution to conciliate the tension between appearance and disappearance data at the short-baseline experiments. Particularly, we considered a heavy neutrino mass-eigenstate that decays into a usual light neutrino plus a massless scalar. Under this neutrino decay hypothesis, we fitted LSND and MiniBooNE electron neutrino appearance data...
In this work, we studied the modifications of the neutrino oscillation proba-
bilities due to possible non-standard interactions (NSI) with matter (taking into
account a constant matter density profile), focused on the channels ν μ → ν μ and
ν μ → ν e . First, the neutrino oscillation probability in matter without NSI was
studied and then we proceeded with NSI. The most relevant NSI...
The lifetime of a particle is usually considered as one of its inherent features. On one hand, the lifetime of non-elementary quantum objects like pions or muons can be calculated from the knowledge of the interaction which rules their decay. On the other hand, other particles such as the electron are regarded as stable, in the sense that they do not decay at all (at least within Standard...
We propose an $SU(5) \times \mathcal{T}_{13}$ model for both quarks and leptons. With tribimaximal (TBM) mixing for the seesaw matrix, symmetric Yukawa textures for down-quarks and charged leptons fail to explain the experimentally observed reactor angle. We derive the minimal asymmetric texture that not only reproduces the three lepton mixing angles assuming TBM mixing with a single phase,...
We all know that in the dense anisotropic interior of the star, neutrino- neutrino forward-scattering can lead to fast collective neutrino oscillations, which has striking consequences on flavor dependent neutrino emission and can be crucial for the evolution of a supernova and its neutrino signal. Although the triggering and initial growth of fast oscillations are understood, owing to its...
In the context of the dark energy scenario, the Einstein Yang-Mills Higgs model in the SO(3) representation was studied for the first time by M. Rinaldi (see JCAP 1510, 023 (2015)) in a homogeneous and isotropic spacetime. We revisit this model, finding in particular that the interaction between the Higgs field and the gauge fields generates contributions to the momentum density,...
In this work, we study a triplet of inhomogeneous scalar fields, known as “solid”, as a source of anisotropic dark energy. By using a dynamical system approach, we find that anisotropic accelerated solutions can be realized as attractor points for suitable parameters of the model. We compliment the dynamical analysis with a numerical solution whose initial conditions are set in the deep...
The large scale structure bispectrum contains information about the dynamics of the early universe in the squeezed limit since it couples large scales and short scales. Therefore, we compute the dark matter and galaxy bispectrum in a framework that is non-linear and based on General Relativity. To start, we use the weak-field approximation and standard perturbation theory to find the fluid...
The current experimentally measured parameters of the Standard Model (SM) suggest that our universe lies in a metastable electroweak vacuum, where the Higgs field could decay to a lower vacuum state with catastrophic consequences. Our measurements dictate that such an event has not happened yet, despite the many different mechanisms that could have triggered it during our past light-cone. Via...
Muography is a technique that allows us to estimate the distribution of matter in the inner structure of geophysical formations like volcanoes. This technique is based on the measurement of the absorption of atmospheric muons that go through the structure, so that with a hodoscope instrument it is possible to build a map of density of matter, similar to a medical X-ray image. The MuTe...
Exposure to ionizing radiation during commercial flights has repercussions on human health, in particular for flights pass through the South Atlantic Geomagnetic Anomaly (SAA). This radiation is originated from the interaction of cosmic rays (CR) with Earth's atmosphere. Likewise, the flux of CR with energies around GeV is affected by the Geomagnetic field, this establishes a dependence...
We reported the production and properties studies of the Bc(2S)and B∗c(2S)states,based on an event sample of pp collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV, col-lected by CMS detecter and corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 143 fb−1.The excited states are reconstructed in theBcπ+π−decay. The production rate ofBc(2S)and B∗c(2S)respect to the base state Bcas estimated within...
We describe the mass spectrum of light pseudoscalars and axial mesons using a modified softwall model with an UV cutoff. These mesons are included using an anomalous dimension that shift the conformal dimension of the non-interacting bulk fields. Using the extra UV cutoff approach, we can fit six eta and six a1 states organized in radial trajectories with an error close to 21.1%. We also...
A Peccei-Quinn~(PQ) symmetry is proposed, in order to generate in the Standard Model~(SM) quark sector a realistic mass matrix ansatz with five texture-zeros. Limiting our analysis to Hermitian mass matrices we show that this requires a minimum of 4 Higgs doublets. This model allows assigning values close to 1 for several Yukawa couplings, giving insight into the origin of the mass scales in...
The experimental measurements collected by the BABAR, Belle and LHCb experiments on the $R(D)$ and $R(D^\ast)$ observables indicate the existence of disagreement with respect to the Standard Model (SM) predictions. This discrepancy has been referred to as the "$R(D)$ and $R(D^\ast)$ anomalies", and consequently, a large number of studies considering the effects of new physics (NP) beyond MS...
QMexico is an organization that brings quantum computing researchers and enthusiasts from Colombia and Mexico together. Its main goal is to popularize quantum technologies and software. Also, through education and skill development opportunities, QMexico is training the next generation of quantum scientists. For this talk, we will focus on recent efforts to promote this emerging technology in...
The charged current production of long-lived heavy neutrinos at the LHC can use a prompt charged lepton for triggering the measurement of the process. However, in order to fully characterize the heavy neutrino interactions, it is necessary to also probe Higgs or $Z$ mediated neutral current production. In this case the charged lepton is not available, so other means of triggering are...
The Standard model (SM) is one of the most successful physics theory, however it presents disagreements between some predictions and the observations. One of them has been studied in the last decade and it's related to the lepton universality. The $R_{D^*}$ Anomaly appear to be enhanced respect to the standard model by roughly $30\%$ with a global significance of $\approx 4\sigma$. This has...
Different models of physics Beyond the Standard Model (BSM) predict different kinds of $Z'$ bosons, motivating the search for these particles at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). In this work, a $Z'\longrightarrow t\bar{t}$ analysis in the semileptonic top quark pair channel is presented, using the ATLAS Open Data Dataset at a centre-of-mass energy of 13TeV and corresponding to an integrated...
Cosmic Rays, Water Cherenkov Detector, Monte Carlo Simulations.
The studies of cosmic rays (CR) is mainly performed by using detectors installed at theground; this detectors registered the secondary radiation produced by the interaction ofCR with Earth atmosphere. Since 2010 Colombia is an active member of the large scaleobservatory LAGO (Latin American ...
The Latin American Giant Observatory (LAGO) is an observatory array of Water Cherenkov
Detectors (WCDs) expanded throughout Latin America, from Mexico to Antarctica, with
scientific objectives to study the cosmic rays, space weather phenomena, and ground-level
atmospheric radiation. The quality of the data recorded by LAGO is guaranteed based on a
protocol that includes the...
The space weather phenomena have an important impacts in science and current
technological structure. This work is focused on the interaction between solar transient events and cosmic rays, specifically on Forbush Decrease (FD) events. A FD consists in a decrease/affectation on the counts of radiation a ground level during an Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejection (ICME) crossing...
We use the JUNO experiment which is a reactor neutrino experiment to constrain the parameters of the Large Extra Dimension (LED) model. The parameters of this model are the radius of extra dimension $R_{LED}$ and the lightest neutrino mass $m_0$. We select the JUNO experiment because its aims is to determine the hierarchy of the neutrino masses and for this it will simultaneously measure the...
In this work we study the $K$-matrix formalism and show how this can be applied to Dalitz plot analyses of charm-meson decays, such as $D^{0}\longrightarrow K_{s}^{0}\pi^{+}\pi^{-}$. The $K$-matrix, in contrast to the typical Isobar Model (IM), allows to properly include in the decay amplitude broad-overlapping resonances and non-resonant background, which are features of some of the known...
We present a $\texttt{Mathematica}$ package, called $\texttt{SpaceMath}$, for Beyond the Standard Model (BSM) parameter space searches which be agree with the most up-to-date experimental measurements. The physical observables implemented in $\texttt{SpaceMath}$ are classified in five categories, namely, LHC Higgs boson data (LHC-HBD), Flavor-Violating Processes (FVP), Oblique Parameters (OP),...
Mientras que experimentos de oscilaciones de neutrinos han dado evidencia de que los neutrinos tienen masa y se mezclan, aún no se tiene una teoría que explique la estructura de estas mezclas, plasmada en la conocida matriz PMNS. Antes de la medida del ángulo de reactor ($\theta_{13}$), la matriz PMNS presentaba una simetría de intercambio $\mu$-$\tau$ consistente con un valor de cero para...
A Peccei-Quinn~(PQ) symmetry is proposed, in order to generate a realistic mass matrix ansatz with five texture-zeros for both quark and lepton sector in the Standard Model~(SM). Limiting our analysis to Hermitian mass matrices we show that this requires a minimum of 4 Higgs doublets. The price we pay is to have Yukawa values in the lepton sector much lower than 1, but consistent with the...
La física moderna ha entrado en una nueva era de precisión donde los observables físicos, como las masas de las partículas o la correlación energía-energía de átomos hidrogenoides, deben ser medidos experimentalmente y calculados teóricamente con una mayor precisión. La búsqueda de nuevos grados de libertad físicos es también una prioridad en la agenda de los aceleradores de...
We discuss in this talk several physical principles as well as emerging observational constraints, as the speed of gravitational waves, that any dark energy model has to face in order to ensure its cosmological viability. In particular dark energy models based on modified gravity theories find a major challenge for addressing the late-time dynamics in a consistent way due to the presence of...
In this work we present a phenomenological analysis of a WIMP/axion dark matter model with radiatively generated neutrino masses. In this model the PQ mechanism is responsible for Dirac neutrino masses through the realization of a five-dimension effective operator at one-loop level , as well as for the stability of all mediators in the loop by means of a remaining Z 2 symmetry originating from...