Attending: Frank Harris, Massimo Lamanna, Kristina Gunne, Pasquale Pagano, Brendan Hamill, Monique Petitdidier, Frederic Shaer, Cal Loomis, Wolfgang Gentzsch, Vincent Breton, Claudio Grandi
Report from OGF/UK eScience/EGEE UF meeting (Massimo):
- A meeting was held in conjunction of the SC 06
- Our ideas generally well accepted
Wed programme:
- Plenary programme
- EGEE should have at least an SA1-flavored talk
- We need an application talk as well.
--- Since it will be very difficult, we should select a talented speaker
Thu/Fri programme:
- OK what has been circulated so far
- PC invited to contribute
- Final decision determined by the abstracts received
- Good idea the VO/site session. We must make sure SA1 buys in and send appropriate representation
- Grid monitor: subject for a dedicated workshop on Friday?
Action list:
- Massimo: modify the abstract call in order to have 4 field (split the third in positive experience and missing functionality and issues)
- PC: send to Massimo proposal for the programme (new themes etc...)
- Massimo: (re)send documents to new PC members
--- They will be attached to the meetings' pages
- Massimo: add Pasquale to the PC mailing (done)
- Kristina: typo in web page (2006 --> 2007)
Next meeting:
- 27/11 at 16:00
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