GCS software development




-Alarms (Mara's report)

Doct Stds phone is now receiving alarms and warnings.

Mara will report during weekly meeting

To experiment technical responsible and piquet to fille the info for sms not received

Link: https://espace.cern.ch/gas-control/_layouts/15/start.aspx#/Shared%20Documents/Forms/AllItems.aspx?RootFolder=%2Fgas%2Dcontrol%2FShared%20Documents%2FActivities%2FSmsMail%20notification&FolderCTID=0x012000852472212F969B4E9850475116730F2C


A short collection of examples:



-Why PGS is half grren. Is it due to air?

-DT analysis is half green due to normal cycle --> DT top module is half green --> no good representation

-Humidifier DT forced off. Why? Is it because it would need a stop/start of the system to consider recipes change? Can we think to a solution to that?

-Propagation of alarms to main pco requires creation of new alarms. True?

-Alarm during maintenance: Michal to propose a solution to not stop interlocks but only notifications



ALIHMP_Di_61InPresAI --> Michal to clarify

ALIHMP: red = backup active --> modify to something else: full green backup active. Full red backup pressure error, empty green during run when backup is not used.



Straw: Backup alarms alarms added on PT6x79 and 6x75. To add also text.

Added after meeting: RICH: do we have alarm active and sms on PT6125


Non-LHC alarms on piquet phone


Overview page with main parameters for each gas system to be proposed. Something like exhaust++


What is TIP? Michal to prepare a presentation for next meeting


Web page for main parameters to be developed by Gianluca. Now possible because all data are on GPN/DIP


Plots issues (some):


-problem saving plot config for some users (is it now solved?)

-changes are lost when zoom

-in zoomed view for "dynamic trend" if I add something I have to close and open again


Recipes not active info/warning.

As discussed in the past, something to prevent start-up of a system if recipes are not active


LHC logging and winccoa archiving --> Michal, Gianluca --> to understand differences --> Gianluca can you prepare something?



Configure all deadband/smoothing level

Winccoa level --> ongoing for alice --> Gianluca

Plc level --> extraction ongoing (polish student is extracting data) --> ppt for next meeting


Alarm/warning levels from winccoa

Is it possible to have a kind of download table --> Gianluca, Michal --> to be discussed with Geraldine


Profibus and CANbus monitoring tools --> Gianluca, Michal (+ Marc?)


Find a way to have good communication with BE, other users and software development:

Michal reported that Lukasz is rapresenting "our" section but we never had discussion with him. Are there dedicated meeting? How often? Can we organize meeting to give feedback to Lukasz?...

There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 1
      Speakers: Beatrice Mandelli (CERN), Gianluca Rigoletti (Universite Claude Bernard Lyon I (FR)), Mara Corbetta (Universite Claude Bernard Lyon I (FR)), Michal Zbigniew Zimny (CERN), Roberto Guida (CERN)


      • Data extraction from winccoa archiving. Not needed as it is the same data from Timber. Solved
      • Fast method to check and set deadband, smoothing (winccoa and plc).
      • Fast method to check alarms and warning levels
        • I could only find the data on CPC spec files but I couldn't find if there is the possibility to dump them from WinCCOA
      • Improve the text in sms messages for alarm/warning to have a better understand of what is the issue
        • Michal?
      • Alarms handling on elog:
      • Quick export of warning, alarms, forced items etc for each system
        • Discussed with Michal, waiting for reply
      • Import of CPC device configs on production
        • Deadbands are in the spec file, so I suspect we cannot do it (without stopping everything) unless there is a dedicated feature. Asked to Michal, waiting for reply
      • Development of the webmass software for read-out of gas temperatures
      • Development of the webmass software for monitoring of the CANbus quality
      • Development of an overview page in winccoa to show the Profibus and CANbus quality
      • Any new test system (like the one of r134a recuperation)




      • Some alarms are not showed in the main panel, you need to open the system to see it
        > it is because of “Child to Parent” alarm in the module that is blocked
      • Some alarms cannot be identified
        > slides Monday meetings with all the alarms to reconstruct together
      • Block alarms notification (not the alarm itself) during maintenance
        > we could have a button to set the system in maintenance, with timer?


      • Have an overview of each system with relevant parameters to see the situation at once
        > like exhaust page, maybe a button next to “Gas System”
           exhaust parameters, mixer flow/concentrations, pump status/opening, …


      • Save a trend you made in “Dynamic Trend”, not everybody can do it
        > for Gianluca works in some systems, check if now it works or if it is a problem only of some systems (upgrade/not)
        > screenshot and put in elog (assign to Michal)
      • Make modification in “Plot Configuration”, it can be opened but modifications are not applied for not-admin access
        > check if it can be made accessible to everyone
      • Scale/Range problems with new software in “auto”
      • Zoomed plot does not keep scale/time range, not updated with newly added trends