7–8 Dec 2006
University of Patras
Europe/Zurich timezone

Contribution List

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Athanasia Assiki (Computing Systems Laboratory, National Technical University of Athens)
07/12/2006, 09:00
Fotis Georgatos (GRNET)
07/12/2006, 11:30
Fotis Georgatos (GRNET)
07/12/2006, 14:30
Fotis Georgatos (GRNET)
07/12/2006, 15:30
George Oikonomou (University of Patras, Department of Computer Engineering & Informatics)
08/12/2006, 09:00
Christos Filippidis (NCSR-Demokritos)
08/12/2006, 11:30
Christos Filippidis (NCSR Demokritos)
08/12/2006, 12:30
Christos Filippidis (NCSR-Demokritos)
08/12/2006, 13:00
Christos Filippidis (NCSR-Demokritos)
08/12/2006, 13:20
Vangelis Koukis (Institute of Communication and Computer Systems)
08/12/2006, 14:30
Fotis Georgatos (GRNET)
08/12/2006, 15:30
08/12/2006, 17:30

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