I will present progress on $\textsf{SingularPhasespace}$, a phasespace generator for exploring the singular limits of Matrix Elements. I will also introduce a new project to implement helicity recycling within MadGraph, which should speed up the calculation of matrix elements. 🐝
Partons showers are highly successful in describing LHC physics. However they only account for soft and collinear logarithms. High Energy Jets resums wide angle, large rapidity logarithms, but lacks the collinear enhancement. I will present a modified CKKW-L merging to combine collinear and high energy logarithmics.
Measurements made recently by the STAR collaboration show that the Lambda hyperons produced in relativistic heavy-ion collisions are subject to global spin polarization with respect to an axis coincident with the axis of rotation of the produced matter. Recently formulated formalism of relativistic hydrodynamics with spin, which is a generalization of the standard hydrodynamics, is a natural...
At high densities and temperatures the standard quantum field theoretical approach to particle physics must be modified. Temperature enters explicitly in observables, for instance in decay rates, and, under certain conditions, expected results deviate significantly from the case of zero-temperature. I have put together a collection of thermal decay rates covering scalars, pseudoscalars and...
I will compare here the speed of Fortran and C++ code.
The chirality-flow formalism has recently been developed as a graphical representatin of the spinor-helicity method. In this method, Feynman diagrams are directly represented in terms of chirality-flow lines corresponding to spinor inner products, without the need to resort to intermediate algebraic manipulations. In this talk the completed massless QED and QCD cases will be discussed. Also,...
I'll give a review of the state-of-the-art of NLO+PS matching for loop-induced processes and the associated uncertainties. The current state of the implementation in SHERPA will be discussed
I will report on our efforts to offer a general framework for simplified t-channel dark matter models at colliders and complementary cosmology calculations.
We have developed a new framework for hadronic rescattering in Pythia. In this presentation, I will explain how the model works and present a study of the effects of rescattering on pp events.
After the discovery of the final missing piece of the Standard Model jigsaw, we have been entered an age of plethora of data. LHC has been reached 300 fb$ ^{-1} $ since then, but the signs of a new physics yet to be observed. Due to their weak-scale mass, Higgs and top quark are expected to shed light on the electroweak symmetry breaking. With the current centre-of-mass energy of the LHC, we...
Presentation of the project carried on during my internship at IBA in Louvain-la-Neuve.