3:30 PM
An on-shell perspective on neutrino oscillations and non-standard interactions
Gabriel Massoni Salla
(Sao Paulo University)
3:36 PM
Enhanced violation of Leggett-Garg Inequality in three flavour neutrino oscillations via non-standard interactions
Sheeba Shafaq
(School of Physical Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University)
3:42 PM
Constraining the tau-neutrino transition magnetic moment at DUNE
Albert Zhou
3:48 PM
GeV scale neutrinos: meson interactions and DUNE sensitivity
Manuel González-López
(Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
3:54 PM
Flavoured leptogenesis and type-II seesaw mechanism with two Higgs triplet scalars
Sreerupa Chongdar
(National Institute of Technology Rourkela, India)