[MEDICIS] new "exchange point" in sector 2 for target retrieval in the case of external sources


ECR to be done: Joachim will create a template and everybody will contribute.

ECR is necessary but will extend the delay to get this new exchange point installed at MEDICIS.

According to Thierry it is not a priority to do it for end of June.

According to Ana-Paula, we would still be able to get the beam permit but with a negative comment from the DSOs on the use of the expert mode. 

3 days will be needed by Jean Louis to pass the cables to the robot room.

Half a day will be enough to bring the support and cable it.

Few days will be necessary to program the new trajectories.


2 mSv/h ambient dose to activate the monitor.

2 mSv/h at 100 cm = 20 Sv/h at 1 cm.


Il y a t-il un passage en "fall-back" mode si une cible donnant un débit de dose ambiant supérieur à 2 mSv/h est entrée en mode Access --> A voir avec Didier Chapuis. Oui, confirmation de Didier.

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