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CERN Computing Seminar

Computer Security overview

by Stefan Lueders (CERN)

31/3-004 - IT Amphitheatre (CERN)

31/3-004 - IT Amphitheatre


Show room on map


CERN is under cyber-attack. Permanently. This presentation shall outline the different risks CERN is phasing versus different attack scenarios. It will give a short overview of the attackers motivations and the vulnerabilities which have been detected in the past. Protecting the vast IT infrastructure at CERN, its thousands of users, as well as its technical installations, accelerators & experiments, CERN has put up a variety of preventive and detective measures. This presentation will discuss some of the more successful initiatives and deployments keeping the CERN site secured.

About the speaker

Stefan Lüders is the CERN Computer Security Officer.

Organised by

Stefan Lüders/CERN and Vincenzo Ciaschini‎/CNAF

Logistics: Miguel Angel Marquina - IT Department
CERN Computing Seminars and Colloquia

NOTE: In order to prevent spurious disturbances, participants joining via Vidyo are kindly invited to keep their camera and microphone muted until the Q&A part after the presentation. When it will be your turn, enable to pose your comments/questions, then mute again

There is a live webcast for this event