WLCG DOMA general meeting




We will use Zoom

Meeting ID: 215 543 044

We have a Vidyo room as backup: https://vidyoportal.cern.ch/join/zEtCsA4d0y


    • 16:00 16:10
      Introduction 10m
      Speakers: Maria Girone (CERN), Simone Campana (CERN)
    • 16:10 16:40
      TPC progress, next steps and open questions 30m
      Speakers: Alessandra Forti (University of Manchester (GB)), Brian Paul Bockelman (University of Nebraska Lincoln (US))

      ATLAS tests

      March 2020: we decided to start small scale testing in production

      • ATLAS infrastructure: rucio & fts-atlas
      • 3 sites: Manchester, Lancaster, Prague
        • All DPM but connected to the people doing the work
      • Only pull mode
      • Functional tests enabled for both protocols

      Several problems appeared tracked here ADCINFR-166

      Mid May: we kind of ready to restart but too many things still don't click


      • DPM 1.14: almost ready but release date not clear only Prague has it installed
        • Manchester, Lancaster, Naples and Lapp will follow when new version is released
      • Dcache: sites with any version 5.2+
        • Previously asked AGLT2, FZK, Pic and Triumf
        • AGLT2 already notified others need reiteration
      • FTS-atlas upgraded to 3.9.4 done yesterday
      • Storm, echo EOS and xrootd will follow


      requires enabling request signing and in the summer TLS will be released. To avoid asking sites to reconfigure to often their production instances we decided to wait for TLS before asking for other sites for now we will test Xrootd-TPC with SLAC and OU with request signing on. xrootd team will try to accelerate TLS code.

      Tests for both will go on over the summer (hopefully without further major  problems)

      CMS Tests

      CMS restricted to http mostly dcache and isn't using rucio yet

      Outh2.0 testbed

      Decided to go ahead with wlcg IAM, doma rucio instance and FTS-devel (being upgraded to 3.10).

      Documentation https://wlcg-authz-wg.github.io/wlcg-authz-docs/

      Sites are adding WLCG VO to their storages VOMS configuration but for this testbed we also need additional configuration for tokens. DESY, CNAF, Nebraska, Manchester and prague can participate with testbeds.

      There was a presentation last week


      Discussion onthe mailing list about TPC with SRM and non gridftp protocols.
      SRM can use also other protocols ie a command like this is expected to work

      gfal-copy -vvvv

      it works with dcache and storm needs to be configured.

      Dcache is developing an alternative to SRM based on the REST API andit behaves differently.  Another problem with SRM is that it still needs  x509 while we are working on tokens. 

      CTA already does BringOnline triggered by FTS without SRM. Other people showed interest in this solution.

      Discussion stopped at "inwhat forum we should discuss this". Current proposal is to add phase 5 to TPC.

    • 16:40 17:00
    • 17:00 17:20
      Round Table 20m