Nathan Kang Oral Exam


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    • 13:30 14:15
      Prospects for a Search of Compressed Electroweak Supersymmetry Using Soft Photons with the ATLAS Detector 45m

      In the pursuit of finding physics beyond the Standard Model, supersymmetry has been a leading candidate but searches at the LHC so far have not found experimental evidence to support it. An area that is actively being probed by searches consists of models in which new electroweak states are the lightest new particles and have compressed mass spectra. In this part of the parameter space existing searches have not been sensitive to mass splittings on the order of a few hundred MeV to one GeV. I will present on the prospects of probing this region by targeting events with missing transverse energy, a hard jet, and a soft photon radiated from charged electroweak states. I will describe the search strategy and the ATLAS datasets for simulating the signal and backgrounds that were used for this study. Results for the sensitivity will be shown for both a cut-based optimization and a selection using boosted decision trees.

      Speaker: Nathan Jihoon Kang (University of California,Santa Cruz (US))