This event is part of the EP Software Seminar series.
Its role is the dissemination of results from software activities in the context of EP, as well as external high-profile presentations for relevant technologies.
Its topics include software algorithms; hardware-related code aspects; and software engineering topics, from any area of data processing applications such as reconstruction, simulation, online software and triggering, or data analysis and modeling.
To submit proposals for future topics please head to Nomination page.
EP Software Seminar

Real-time heterogeneous event reconstruction with GPUs at CMS and LHCb during LHC Run-3

by Dorothea Vom Bruch (LPNHE Paris, CNRS), Felice Pantaleo (CERN)

Zoom details: Meeting ID: 943 4447 6291 One tap mobile +41432107042,,94344476291# Switzerland +41432107108,,94344476291# Switzerland Dial by your location +41 43 210 70 42 Switzerland +41 43 210 71 08 Switzerland +41 31 528 09 88 Switzerland +33 1 7037 9729 France +33 7 5678 4048 France

The CMS and LHCb experiments at CERN are moving towards heterogeneous and massively parallel computing architectures for processing and reducing data in real-time. However, the different physics environments of the two experiments affect the design of the heterogeneous event selection systems. 

The implementation of an accelerated software trigger system faces multiple challenges: from the software scheduling to the integration with the rest of the DAQ system, from the reconstruction algorithms, which have to be designed to run efficiently on GPUs, to the trigger farm infrastructure. 

The speakers will describe how CMS and LHCb redesigned some of the most time consuming algorithms in their online reconstruction (among which are tracking and calorimeter local reconstruction) to leverage the GPU’s massively parallel architecture, allowing both the experiments to increase their physics potential with sustainable costs.

In addition, the speakers will present and compare the approaches, constraints and trade-offs motivating the design of the CMS and LHCb heterogeneous online event reconstruction and selection systems planned for LHC Run-3.


Organised by

Andrea Bocci (EP-CMG), Dirk Düllmann (IT-ST-AD), Peter Hristov (EP-AIP), Axel Naumann (EP-SFT), Niko Neufeld (EP-LBC), and Andreas Salzburger (EP-ADP)

A Coffee discussion with the presenters will be held on Zoom after the seminar at 11h00

There is a live webcast for this event