The Mechanical Ventilator Milano (MVM) , a novel ventilator for the COVID-19 pandemic
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The Mechanical Ventilator Milano (MVM) is a novel mechanical ventilator designed for rapid mass production in response to the Covid pandemic to address the shortage of intensive care ventilators in many countries, and the difficulty in procuring these devices through normal supply chains across borders.
This ventilator is an electro-mechanical equivalent of the old and reliable Manley Ventilator, and is able to operate in both pressure-controlled and pressure-supported ventilation modes.
MVM is optimized for the COVID-19 emergency, thanks to the collaboration with medical doctors on the front line. MVM is designed for large-scale production in a short amount of time and at a limited cost.
Operation of the MVM requires a source of compressed oxygen and medical air, that are readily available in intensive care units.
The MVM is certified for emergency use during the COVID pandemic by the Food and Drug Administration, USA.
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