CLICdp New-Software Project-Meeting



Andre Sailer (CERN)

Software Meeting Minutes

# 200623: Software Meeting


Connected: Andre, Ulrike, Placido, Marko, Philipp, Valentin

Apologies: Erica

## MC Generators

* Whizard 2.8.3 coming soon
    * Full "UFO" support
    * Release delayed "a bit" [private communication]

* Sindarin GitLab:
    * Change cuts in gg initial state file

* spack recipe for Whizard merged
    * Try the spack release

## Simulation

* Erica: Issue with simulation of muons with fixed pT?
    * observed different duplicate vs phi using different muon simulation runs
    * Implement tracking validation and then apply to this observation

* Marko: Trying to reduce step size in Silicon using regions, not fully working at the moment
    * Needed to reduce hit threshold so micrometer step energy deposits were also recorded by the sensitive
* DD4hep and "": if sourced inside lcg views, messed up PYTHONPATH

## Reconstruction

### Tracking

* Refactoring tracking validation
    * Adding more basic comparison plots as well
    * Duplicates: change were they are identified, maybe do this later
    * Selections are configurable from the outside
    * Efficiencies for Single Muons and ttbar already reproduced
### Particle Flow

## Infrastructure

* Spack recipes:
    * Added Whizard2/3
    * Add Marlin, LCIO to k4-spack
    * iLCUtil, LCCD recipes added:
        * MARLIN_DLL variable read by Marlin, contains list of libraries with processors to load
            * Needs to be set/appended by processor packages
    * Added recipe for MarlinWrapper
        * gmprun not installed at the moment; replace by ?
    * URL Handler to find versioned tarballs

* LCG97 based installation
  * TODO: layered view: select packages (Geant4, ROOT, ...), let it create the links
      * Also podio, etc?
      * TODO: discuss before sending request to Gerri
  * TODO: Tag, add to iLCDirac
  * TODO: Run calibration with this build, see what happens

* How to integrate in key4hep

* Gaudi inclusion in iLCSoft based on LCG 97
    * Build Gaudi in a container and use that image
    * Using Gaudi in the GithubActions: HOST_BINARY_TAG complains
        * Try setting -D HOST_BINARY_TAG=XYZ, see e.g. k4fwcore spack recipe or gaudi in upstream spack

* Key4hep nightly deploy working again
    * some issue with ROOT and how to use it from LCG releases when using it in spack
    * Probably better to build everything with spack
    * Whole stack in buildcache, can also be used

* Ubuntu for podio etc. builds: ROOT binaries build with c++11
    * LCG Release for Ubuntu?

### Building with Spack and against LCG releases?
* Provide Spack nightly build for CI
* Build against LCG stack in a nightly way, but do not publish the result

## iLCDirac

* New version coming ASAP
    * DiracOS v1r11 tested
* Calice moving from LCG FileCatalog to DFC, keep v6r22 with lcg bundles, because those contain LFC bindings still

* Started with creating new puppet manifests to install new CC7 servers
* Created new Servers, migrating services
* available

## key4hep

### podio/edm4hep/core/nightlies

* need a production ready event store

#### EDM4hep

### MarlinWrapper

* Tagged and the finalized the spack recipe

### Allpix based Digitizer

* Working on simulating with ddsim

### dE/dX

* Need to follow up, understand required/desired/possible resolutions

### LCGeo Test

* CLIC_o2_v04: less volumes than o3 much faster startup

## AOB

### Next Meeting

Tuesday, June 30, 2020, 14:00



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    • 13:00 14:00
      Round the table 1h