Chueng Ji
(North Carolina State University)
Since Dirac proposed the light-front form of the relativistic dynamics in 1949, the ILCAC put together a white paper entitled "Light-front Quantum Chromodynamics" (LFQCD) as a framework for the analysis of hadron physics in 2013. Its goal was to find solutions that describe hadrons in the theory of strong interactions, QCD. Many progresses have been made toward the specific goals of this approach since then. Opening LC2021, I will present an effort to link between the instant form dynamics that makes a close contact with the Euclidean space approach and the light-front dynamics that works strictly in the Minkowski space. Recent developments in QED$_{3+1}$ and QCD$_{1+1}$ at $N_c \to \infty$ will be discussed.
Primary author
Chueng Ji
(North Carolina State University)