The primary Lund Jet Plane has for several decades been a powerful tool for jet parton showers, jet substructure, and resummation. In 2018, Dreyer, Salam, and Soyez promoted this tool to a substructure observable used to discriminate boosted electroweak particles from the QCD background. Recently, Salam, Soyez, and I calculated the QCD density of emissions at next-to-leading logarithmic...
Jet observables in dijet events are excellent probes to study collision dynamics in dense systems. Interacting Lund strings will affect jet observables and suggests a new common mechanism responsible for jet modification in p-A and A-A. In this talk, we present our new implementation of the string shoving mechanism in PYTHIA8 which lets us study the effects on jet observables in p-p and...
I review the HYTREES approach, an improved implementation of the Shower/Event deconstruction method by including hard matrix elements with multiple jet emissions. I further discuss how this can be improved by subleading colour corrections in parton shower reconstruction.
Most software in HEP are developed over many years by multiple authors. It is therefore easy to accidentally introduce bugs. In this talk I will give an overview of the existing tools for unite testing and continues integration, which can help to at least not break working code.
I will present an implementation of the CKKW-L multi-jet merging technique to so-called sector showers as implemented in the Vincia antenna shower. The bijective nature of sector showers allows for efficient multi-jet merging at high multiplicities, as any given configuration possesses only a single shower history. After briefly reviewing the idea of sector showers, I will demonstrate that the...
Introduction about myself and the project - I will start a short-term MCnet studentship in October, in Durham
Please welcome me to this amazing community! In this talk, I will give a brief description about this brand new project for improving and developing the B-Physics processes using SHERPA event generation.
A huge amount of effort and person-power goes into searching for evidence of beyond-the-SM (BSM) theories at the LHC. A search may take a large team over a year to produce, and even then may only focus on the model’s most spectacular signature. But many BSM theories would probably already have been ruled out, because they would have caused measurable distortions to well-understood spectra of...
In Monte Carlo generators for pp physics, the possibility of hadronic rescatterings after hadronization is often neglected, but in heavy ion collisions such effects are ubiquitous. I will present a recent exploratory study, where the Pythia heavy ion model Angantyr was interfaced with the URQMD MC for hadronic rescatterings, which revealed large effects for jet observables, often attributed to...
In H→WW, several event generators are used to optimize the analysis and estimate the expected yields of signal and backgrounds, as well as their associated systematic uncertainties.We are interested in Sherpa MC event generator for Higgs+jets simulation and WW+jets simulation because of its capability to produce higher jet multiplicities at NLO accuracy. This will help us to understand if with...
I will discuss recent work on the implementation of global recoil methods in the Herwig dipole shower.
I will present the unfolded measurements of four-lepton differential and integrated fiducial cross-sections, corresponding to events with two same-flavour, opposite-charge electron or muon pairs. The final-state has contributions from a number of interesting Standard Model processes that dominate in different four-lepton invariant mass regions, including single 𝑍 boson production, Higgs boson...