FCC Software Hands-on Tutorial - Snowmass 2021 - Part 1




The purpose of this event is to introduce the participants to the FCC Software status and plans and the current use of it.

The structure of the events will be:

   - Day 1, 22 September 2020, afternoon CET: technical overview, Delphes tutorial 1

   - Day 2, 23 September 2020, afternoon CET: Delphes tutorial 2, Full simulation 1

   - Day 3, 29 September 2020, afternoon CET: Full simulation 2, Full simulation 3

The hands-on will focus on how to use the existing software to perform an analysis and on some selected development examples. 

The minimal computing requirements to participate in the tutorial are a CERN computing account. For those without access to such resources, the OSG has kindly offered to provide support. An account on “Snowmass-Connect” can be requested at https://connect.snowmass21.io/.  Documentation for this service is available at https://maniaclab.uchicago.edu/snowmass-connect-docs/.  Support related to this service is available through a dedicated slack channel https://snowmass2021.slack.com/archives/C019UAV3YQL.
Please contact the organisers at fcc-software-workshop@cern.ch for help or questions related to this.

A mattermost channel is available to ask questions, especially for people following remotely: https://mattermost.web.cern.ch/fccsw/channels/fcc-sw-workshop


Zoom password: 012060