10–13 Aug 2010
US/Eastern timezone


Beyond the Standard Model

13 Aug 2010, 09:00
32-123 (MIT)



77 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge, MA 02474


Beyond the Standard Model

  • Matthew Strassler (Rutgers)

Beyond the Standard Model

  • Paul Langacker (IAS)

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Nima Arkani-Hamed (Institute of Advanced Study)
13/08/2010, 09:00
30 min (+ 15 min discussion)
Jeremiah Jet Goodson (Department of Physics - State University of New York (SUNY))
13/08/2010, 09:45
Gheorghe Lungu (Rockefeller University)
13/08/2010, 10:00
Matthew Strassler (Rutgers)
13/08/2010, 11:00
Keith Edmonds (Universität Mainz)
13/08/2010, 11:10
Salvatore Rappoccio (Department of Physics and Astronomy-Johns Hopkins University-Unk)
13/08/2010, 11:25
Nele Boelaert (Department of Physics-Lund University-Unknown)
13/08/2010, 11:40
Brian Shuve (Harvard University)
13/08/2010, 11:55
Building timetable...