HL-LHC Circuit Instrumentation Review


The scope of the review is the instrumentation of the s.c. magnet circuits of the Inner Triplet, D1, D2 as well as all the related correctors. The review includes quench protection and monitoring voltage taps, as well as cryogenic instrumentation.

The review does not include the instrumentation of the 11T MBH magnets.
It is recommended to have a review of the instrumentation from a global viewpoint rather than a review by Work Package. A global, circuit approach is necessary in order to look at the details of quench detection for all the components, from coils to the warm part of the current leads through every single part.
Given this global approach, the Review is organized under the umbrella of the Magnet Circuit Forum. It should be a DDR (Detailed Design Review). Aspects related to the status of procurement are relevant and could also be part of the review.
The results of the Review will be reported to the TE Department Head and the HL-LHC Project Leader, and presented at TCC.


Panel and Sc. Secretary

  • Markus Zerlauth - Chair
  • Luca Bottura 
  • Mirko Pojer
  • Andrzej Siemko 
  • Rob Van Weelderen
  • Samer Yammine - Scientific Secretary


The mandate given to the Panel is as follows:

  • Assess on the soundness of the instrumentation function and distribution with respect to the requirements given by protection, monitoring and operation, including the hardware commissioning phase;
  • Verify the adequacy of the technical solutions to be implemented by the Work Packages including aspects of long term reliability;
  • Make sure that there is no showstopper for the implementation of the procurement contracts to be signed in the near future;
  • Ascertain that the documentation plan is coherent and is properly updated;
  • Recommend actions on open points or missing aspects.