PSB Energy Upgrade WG - Meeting 11

Thursday, 3 June 2010 - 16:00
CERN (936/R-035)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
3 Jun 2010
16:00 Approval of Minutes of Last Meeting   (936/R-035)
16:05 The New Magnetic Cycle - Alfred Blas (CERN)   (936/R-035)
16:30 LHC as Exclusive User of the PS Booster - All   (936/R-035)
16:45 Future Requirements for Cooling and Ventilation - All   (936/R-035)
16:55 Progress Report / Planning of Resources and Time Lines - All   (936/R-035)
17:15 AOB   (936/R-035)