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HEPiX IPv6 working group meeting

Bruno Heinrich Hoeft (KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE))

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HEPiX - IPv6 Meeting Notes (03 Sept. 20)

Chaired by Bruno Hoeft as DaveK not able to attend. Notes by Bruno too.

Present: Dimitrios Christidis, Edoardo Martelli, Francesco Prelz, Raja Nandakumar, Martin Bly

Apologized: Kars Ohrenberg, Tim Chown, Andrea Sciaba, Dave Kelsey



Dimitrios Christidis:

  • Tier-2 Desy-Zeuthen now IPv6 dual-stack ready

Edoardo Martelli:

  • Proposal handed in to deploy the small data center of 8000 virtual images/nodes with public IPv6 addresses only

 Francesco Prelz:

  • NTR

Raja Nandakumar:

  • LHCb smoothly running
  • At CERN VO-boxes with IPv4 only addresses

 Martin Bly:

  • 100G link deployment to CERN are soon implemented
  • Odd problem IPv4 transfers starting moderate but slowing down to a very low rate
    • Since traffic is running trough the firewall --> One suspicion is that the Firewall is the reason for the slowing down the transfer speed
    • IPv6 transfers are much faster (--> this is may be the carrot we where looking for)
    • Investigation is still ongoing


  • NTR


Tier1/Tier2 LHCOPN/LHCONE status:

Tier-1 : situation unchanged:

  • FNAL : beginning of last month FTS traffic was increasing, but dropped down to more or less 0, e-mailed Phil DeMar, no response up to now
  • RRC-KI-T1 - Kurchatov Institute in Moscow still IPv4 only

Tier-2 : Andrea updated his statistics (plots/tables)

  • From June Desy-Zeuthen (DESY-ZN) is now dual-stack ready
  • Vienne might have also done it, but I'm waiting for the confirmation of the experiments supported by it.

Tracking at DE-KIT of IPv4 top talkers:

Bruno showed plot (attached to agenda item).


During 4 hours inbound:

               Src IP Addr                                                                                  Bytes(%)

BNL:                                                                  1.1 T(39.5)
CNAF :   131.154.x.x (various IPv4 addresses)     221.6 G( 4.3)  
FNAL:    131.225.x.x (various IPv4 addresses)        90.9 G( 1.4)

 During 2 hours outbound:

CERN:   128.142.x.x  (various IPv4 addresses)        1.2 T( 32.5)

Can we do any IPv6-only testing now?

  • Since CORONA many sites are more or less freezing all developing activities and only running services as it is there
  • No activities are reported


September 2-day F2F (virtual) meeting:

  • Take the IPv6-only testing on the agenda
    two test bed ideas:
    • Martin : set up a IPv6 only testbed at RAL (virtual infrastructure)
    • I will ask at DE-KIT for a view IPv6 only Workernodes (WN)


Do we continue to use Vidyo?:

  • Was not explicitly raised at the meeting,
  • But since CERN is moving away from Vidyo, i would suggest to follow CERN to ZOOM





There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 16:00 16:05
      Agree agenda 5m
    • 16:05 16:20
      Roundtable updates 15m
    • 16:20 16:30
      Tier1/Tier2/LHCOPN/LHCONE status 10m

      Any news on tracking top-ten IPv4 talkers on LHCOPN?

      Speakers: Dr Andrea Sciabà (CERN), Bruno Heinrich Hoeft (KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE))
    • 16:30 16:40
      Can we do any IPv6-only testing now? 10m
    • 16:40 16:55
      September 2-day F2F(virtual) meeting 15m

      Two half-days of Zoom meeting.
      Afternoon of Tuesday 29 Sep 2020 plus
      Morning of Wednesday 30 Sep 2020

      Discuss ideas for agenda items

    • 16:55 17:00
      AOB and next meetings 5m

      Do we continue to use Vidyo?