- performance comparison in ATLAS held back by a bug in HTTP-TPC concerning 0 size files. Not clear where the bug is if in DPM or in dcache. 0 size files may create problems also in EOS. Elvin has now insalled the testbed with the latest version. Sowe cancheck there
- MWT2 has upgraded and if there are no problems by tomorrow they can be added in production
- UNIBE-LHPE: upgraded but missing scratch space for functional tests
- INFN-COSENZA: upgraded but no macaroons
- Not much to report, Diego needs better access to phedex for debugging purposes
Token auhtz:
- hackaton is in a week. Topics and priorities should be discussed in the first day and then the following two days should be used for coding. Need to take also CMS experience with IAM into account. Invited also panda and glide-in developers.
- Need to increase the number of sites in the testbed. Currently 5 sites enabled in the OIDC testbed
HTTP protocol:
- Wei has installed xrootd5 at slac and is reviewing various features. Need to meet with Andy and discuss needs in the context of IRIS-HEP.
- Horst happy to install xrootd5 at OU once it is stable.
- Need to discuss re-enabling token caching for http
- ECHO: main problem is that mkdir doesn't work on ceph and FTS does further checks if mkdir fails. In gridftp and xrootd plugins this was correctly masked, but in the http it isn't. This is needs to be fixed in the xrootd-ceph plugin which has to return an appropriate code (maybe 0 is the right thing) so no further checks are done. James will also check the tesbed endpoint so Petr can help with some tests.
SRM T0-T1:
- Reported extensively last time. Paul now has a prototype codefor OIDC authz for SRM. Maybe useful to discuss this at the hackaton.
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