Rivet development meeting

Vidyo only

Vidyo only

    • 15:00 16:00
      Discussion 1h
      • Holger: activity & update HDF5 for analysis data and YODA (and HepMC!)

      • Chris test DAxis in Nick's new YODA branch, as a possibility for "proper" discrete integer binnings... probably requires I/O connection

      • Andy & Louie to follow up on YODA I/O and Python

      • Chris to convert his weight-name slides to a GDoc so we can elicit contributions from SHGs, then make a request to the fixed-order folks :-)

        • Distinction between AUX and DEBUG? Py8 appends "AUX" to any unknown param, but still physics... presumably should still be propagated??

      • Andy to propose a particle content for minimal physics (full hadron-level cf. tagging, soft-QCD, pi0 calib, compressed parton level, preserve EW & BSM resonances)

      • Andy to proceed with Aditya's thread-safety proj-declare queue: inputs sought on whether the queue should store raw Projection* pointers (or shared_ptr<Projection>), extracted from the unique_ptr<Projection> returned by PROJ::clone(), or store the unique_ptrs directly: the latter would mean that copying an undeclared projection would result in two copies but only one would have valid declare-queue contents: that feels wrong. I'm tempted to say that PROJ::clone() should actually return shared_ptr<PROJ>.

      • Andy and Aditya to prototype multiweight histo-fill caching at Rivet level rather than deep in YODA

      • Andy to fix up Sacrifice for HepMC3... or switch to newer steering with Pythia 8.3? I thought there was a new Pythia main executable, but can't find reference to it... ? Update rivet-pythia Docker

      • Andy to update rivet-sherpa and rivet-mg5 Dockers (easy??)

      • Andy to merge beam-check branch

      • Christian & Chris to push forward plotting; Andy to check on Bergen ug timing and scope with David Grellscheid

      • HepData sync-issue resolution to continue (what next concrete step?)

      • Andy to create a branch from master to improve the config enums

      • Optional: Andy to create branches for jet filtering and MET smearing improvements