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CLICdp New-Software Project-Meeting

4/S-030 (CERN)



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Andre Sailer (CERN)

Software Meeting Minutes

# 200908: Software Meeting


Connected: Valentin, Ulrike
Present: Andre, Placido

Apologies: Philipp

## Snowmass

## MC Generators

* Some issue with using integrated processes, still takes long time when using the files
    * Look at log files from the few failed grid jobs
* Trying different options, diagonal CKM matrix
* Flags: phase space check, grid file check, still takes long
    * Some grid jobs run out of time (9 hours)
* If nothing helps, have to split by different channels

## Simulation

* Erica: Issue with simulation of muons with fixed pT?
    * observed different duplicate vs phi using different muon simulation runs
    * Maybe different input (not pt, but energy)?
    * Different Theta range, 0-90 degrees before, 0-180 degrees now

## Reconstruction

* Missing default input file
    * Just put dummy filename, run simulation with ctest

### Tracking

### Particle Flow

### Digitizer

### Event Display

### FlavourTagging

### Long-Lived Particle

### dE/dX

### LCGeo Test

## Infrastructure

## iLCDirac

* New version coming ASAP
    * DiracOS v1r11 tested
* Calice moving from LCG FileCatalog to DFC, keep v6r22 with lcg bundles, because those contain LFC bindings still

## key4hep

### podio

### EDM4hep

### Core

### MarlinWrapper

* APS: working on spack recipe fixes to run example

#### LCIO <-> EDM4hep conversions

* Conversion service from Gaudi
    * under investigation by Valentin

### spack

* heppdt is "back"
* python version to be made explicit?

### nightlies for the stack

* Where are they configured and running?

### Gaudi

* version 34: xenv script not installed in spack recipe
* Use standalone xenv?

## FCCee Detector Model

* Some drivers used form lcgeo moving to FCC or better DD4hep repository

## AOB

### Next Meeting

September 15, 2020, 13:00



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