Israeli Joint Particle Physics Meetings 2020-2021

from Wednesday 28 October 2020 (10:00) to Sunday 1 August 2021 (12:00)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
28 Oct 2020
4 Nov 2020
11 Nov 2020
18 Nov 2020
25 Nov 2020
2 Dec 2020
9 Dec 2020
16 Dec 2020
23 Dec 2020
13 Jan 2021
20 Jan 2021
3 Feb 2021
10 Feb 2021
17 Feb 2021
3 Mar 2021
10 Mar 2021
7 Apr 2021
5 May 2021
12 May 2021
19 May 2021
26 May 2021
9 Jun 2021
23 Jun 2021
21 Jul 2021
11:00 TBA - Reuven Balkin (Technical University of Munich) Andrea Caputo (University of Valencia)   ()
11:00 TBA - Mr Eric Madge (Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz) Yann Gouttenoire (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)   ()
11:00 Selection rules of scattering amplitudes in EFTs/Fast-rolling relaxion - Yutaro Shoji (KMI, Nagoya University) Jiang Minyuan (Weizmann Institute of Science )   ()
11:00 Signals of Axion Strings in the Sky - Prateek Agrawal (University of Oxford)   ()
11:00 Positivity Bounds in Standard Model Effective Field Theory - Cen Zhang (Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy Sciences)   ()
11:00 Searches for new physics using levitated optomechanics - Gadi Afek (Yale )   ()
11:00 Primordial black holes as dark matter: The good, the bad and the ugly - Alfredo Urbano (Sapienza University of Rome)   ()
11:00 Probing ultra-low-mass dark matter and macroscopic topological defects via varying fundamental constants - Dr Yevgeny Stadnik (Kavli IPMU, University of Tokyo)   ()
11:00 Detecting Muons in Neutron Stars with Neutrinos and Gravitational Waves - Toby Opferkuch (CERN)   ()
11:00 $\nu$ Physics Searches with Neutrino Oscillation Experiments - Joachim Kopp (CERN)   ()
11:00 Comagnetometers as Probes for Ultralight Dark Matter - Itay Bloch (TAU)   ()
11:00 The first results from the new g-2 experiment at Fermilab - Rebecca Chislett   ()
11:00 On-shell bootstrap of a general spontaneously broken gauge theory - Zhewei Yin (Uppsala University)   ()
11:00 How big is your tabletop? - DMITRY BUDKER (Helmholtz Institute Mainz and UC Berkeley)   ()
11:00 Looking forward to new physics: The FASER experiment at the CERN LHC - Anna Sfyrla (Universite de Geneve (CH))   ()
16:00 Stellar Basins of Gravitationally Bound Particles - Ken Van Tilburg (Santa Barbara, KITP)   ()
16:00 New Pathways to the Relic Abundance of Vector-Portal Dark Matter - Patrick Fitzpatrick (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)   ()
16:00 TBA - Dr Ofri Telem (UC Berkeley)   ()
16:00 Early Cannibal Domination and the Matter Power Spectrum - Jessie Shelton (UIUC)   ()
17:00 Neutron stars as axion laboratories - Benjamin Safdi (massachusetts institute of technology)   ()
16:00 Black holes and axions: from gravitational waves to axionic beacons - Masha Baryakhtar (NYU)   ()
16:00 Dark Matter Interactions in Condensed Matter Systems - Yonatan Kahn (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)   ()
16:00 Is SMEFT Enough? - Nathaniel Craig (UC Santa Barbara)   ()
16:00 Searching for physics beyond the Standard Model at the LHCb experiment - J Michael Williams (Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (US))   ()