Digesh Raut
(University of Delaware)
We consider the nonminimal quartic inflation in a classically conformal U(1)$_X$ extended SM. We show that if the inflaton mass and its mixing angle with the SM Higgs field lie in a suitable range, the FASER experiment can search for the inflaton at the High Luminosity (HL)-LHC. Also because of the classical conformal invariance, the inflationary predictions and the LHC search for the U(1)$_X$ gauge boson ($Z^\prime$) resonance are complementary. Therefore, three independent experiments, namely, the inflaton search at the FASER, the $Z^\prime$ boson resonance search at the HL-LHC and the precision measurement of the inflationary predictions, are complementary to test our inflation scenario.
Nobuchika Okada
(University of Alabama)
Digesh Raut
(University of Delaware)