9–10 Nov 2020
Europe/Zurich timezone

Search for sterile neutrino with light gauge interactions: recasting collider, beam-dump, and neutrino telescope searches

9 Nov 2020, 20:40


Yongsoo Jho


We investigate features of the sterile neutrinos in the presence of a light gauge boson $X$ that couples to the neutrino sector. The novel bounds on the active-sterile neutrino mixings $| U_{\ell 4} |^2$, especially for muon and tau flavors ($l = \mu, \tau$), from various collider and fixed target experiments in intensity frontiers are explored. Also, taking into account the additional decay channel of the sterile neutrino into a light gauge boson ($\nu_4 \to \nu_\ell e^+ e^-$), we explore and constrain a parameter space for low energy excess in neutrino oscillation experiments.


Yongsoo Jho pyungwon ko (Korea Inst. for Advanced Study (KIAS)) Prof. Seong Chan Park (Yonsei University) Mr Jongkuk Kim

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