Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

MusiClub AGM 2020

    • 18:00 18:05
      A word from the President 5m
      Speaker: Grzegorz Daniluk (CERN)
    • 18:05 18:20
      MusiClub ongoing matters 15m
      • Treasurer's report and approval of accounts
      • MusiClub news (renovation status and plans)
      • COVID related restrictions/plans for the club's re-opening
      • Membership fees 2021
      • AGM in Q1 2021
    • 18:20 18:30
      Board Elections 10m
    • 18:30 18:50
      MusiClub events 2021 20m
      • MOTL
      • Hardronic
      • others?
      • online?
    • 18:50 19:00
      AOB 10m