Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

ATLAS UK Cloud Support



Tim Adye (Science and Technology Facilities Council STFC (GB)), James William Walder (Science and Technology Facilities Council STFC (GB))

● Outstanding tickets

  • 148968 UKI-NORTHGRID-LANCS-HEP less urgent in progress 2020-10-14 19:49:00 UKI-NORTHGRID-LANCS-HEP: deletion and transfer failures
  • 148342 UKI-SCOTGRID-GLASGOW less urgent in progress 2020-10-09 11:53:00 UKI-SCOTGRID-GLASGOW with transfer efficiency degraded and many failures
    • No route to Host transfer errors for DPM storage. To be investigated
  • 146651 RAL-LCG2 urgent on hold 2020-08-10 10:59:00 singularity and user NS setup at RAL
    • On hold
  • 146374 UKI-NORTHGRID-SHEF-HEP urgent in progress 2020-09-11 13:35:00 ATLAS pilot jobs idle on UKI-NORTHGRID-SHEF-HEP CE
    • On hold
  • 144759 UKI-SCOTGRID-GLASGOW less urgent on hold 2020-08-10 09:54:00 High traffic from UKI-SCOTGRID-GLASGOW on RAL CVMFS Stratum1
    • On hold
  • 142329 UKI-SOUTHGRID-SUSX top priority on hold 2020-06-04 14:05:00 CentOS7 migration UKI-SOUTHGRID-SUSX
    • On hold


  • RAL

    • Additional slots from CMS issues
  • Northgrid

    • LANCS: Set offline from disk issues
  • London

    • QMUL; transient issue.
  • SouthGrid

    • Some RALPP fluctuations
  • Scotgrid

    • GLA onlining more CPUs. New Dell nodes. Last two had cvmfs cache issues requiring a manual fix.
      • missing sub-dirs
      • OX noted on some of their nodes, cvmfs is getting full, and can result in blacklisting
    • Durham; DPM disk server poorly; DPM fills up logs. Should be resolved by now.

● Ongoing issues

  • CentOS7 - Sussex

    • NTR

  • Grand Unified queues

    • NTR

● News round-table

  • Vip
    • No downtime next week; few WNs will be offlined for work however.
  • Dan
    • NTR
  • Matt
    • Will give “T2 operations in Covid” in GridPP45.
  • Peter
    • Noted general poor audio; not observed from others.
    • If continues next week, we consider move to zoom (again).
  • Sam
    • cephc05 as production machine runing fine. c02 for dev work to be updated with forked xrootd-ceph shortly
    • Next week Storage meeting will be cancelled for GridPP overlap
  • Tim
    • NTR
  • JW
    • Work on TPC-http with Ceph continues; new problem with stripe alignement.


There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 10:00 10:20
      Status 20m
      • Outstanding tickets 10m
        • 148968 UKI-NORTHGRID-LANCS-HEP less urgent in progress 2020-10-14 19:49:00 UKI-NORTHGRID-LANCS-HEP: deletion and transfer failures
        • 148342 UKI-SCOTGRID-GLASGOW less urgent in progress 2020-10-09 11:53:00 UKI-SCOTGRID-GLASGOW with transfer efficiency degraded and many failures
          • No route to Host transfer errors for DPM storage. To be investigated
        • 146651 RAL-LCG2 urgent on hold 2020-08-10 10:59:00 singularity and user NS setup at RAL
          • On hold
        • 146374 UKI-NORTHGRID-SHEF-HEP urgent in progress 2020-09-11 13:35:00 ATLAS pilot jobs idle on UKI-NORTHGRID-SHEF-HEP CE
          • On hold
        • 144759 UKI-SCOTGRID-GLASGOW less urgent on hold 2020-08-10 09:54:00 High traffic from UKI-SCOTGRID-GLASGOW on RAL CVMFS Stratum1
          • On hold
        • 142329 UKI-SOUTHGRID-SUSX top priority on hold 2020-06-04 14:05:00 CentOS7 migration UKI-SOUTHGRID-SUSX
          • On hold
      • CPU 5m
        • RAL

          • Additional slots from CMS issues
        • Northgrid

          • LANCS: Set offline from disk issues
        • London

          • QMUL; transient issue.
        • SouthGrid

          • Some RALPP fluctuations
        • Scotgrid

          • GLA onlining more CPUs. New Dell nodes. Last two had cvmfs cache issues requiring a manual fix.
            • missing sub-dirs
            • OX noted on some of their nodes, cvmfs is getting full, and can result in blacklisting
          • Durham; DPM disk server poorly; DPM fills up logs. Should be resolved by now.
      • Other new issues 5m
    • 10:20 10:40
      Ongoing issues 20m
      • CentOS7 - Sussex

        • NTR

      • Grand Unified queues

        • NTR

    • 10:40 10:50
      News round-table 10m
      • Vip
        • No downtime next week; few WNs will be offlined for work however.
      • Dan
        • NTR
      • Matt
        • Will give “T2 operations in Covid” in GridPP45.
      • Peter
        • Noted general poor audio; not observed from others.
        • If continues next week, we consider move to zoom (again).
      • Sam
        • cephc05 as production machine runing fine. c02 for dev work to be updated with forked xrootd-ceph shortly
        • Next week Storage meeting will be cancelled for GridPP overlap
      • Tim
        • NTR
      • JW
        • Work on TPC-http with Ceph continues; new problem with stripe alignement.


    • 10:50 11:00
      AOB 10m