Attendees: Guang Yang (GY), Ciro Riccio (CR), Shih-Kai Lin (SKL), David Last (DL), Andriaseta Sitraka (AS), Chang Kee Jung (CK), Vittorio Paolone (VP), Eric Chong (EC), Perri Zilberman (PZ), Abraham Meles Teklu (AT), Cesar Jesus-Valls (CJV), David Martinez Caicedo (DMC), Igor Alekseev (IA), Makhail Davinolv (MD), Nataliya Skrobova (NS), Dana Douqa (DD)
Andriaseta Sitraka - Low-energy high-PE events
DL: Slide 2: one voxel in the outer layer. AS: at least one in any other layer.
CK: Neutron energy get from the timing, correct? AS: Yes.
CK: Neutrons will come with a different energy and time, they will interacts in the collimator wall and can generate photons and that can come in our detector. Is there a way to simulate this? GY: Yes.
There are a lot of beam events touching the outer layer of the detector? Answer: we are not sure about that. Sitraka is doing a very specific event selection and among them, the events in category 3 do not seem like all go in there.
Guang Yang - Invisible scattering update: vertices spread
DL: Slide 4: What the energy of this neutron? GY: 50 to hundred of MeV. CK: I don’t believe this is a 50 MeV neutron. Usually this happens for lower energies.
CJV: The threshold of our detector is closer to 0.5 MeV.
CJV: Are you simulating flat flux? GY: No, I am using LANL Flux.
CK: Slide 7: How did you scale the elastic scattering up and down? GY: I know the number of invisible scattering.
DL: Is terre a FV cut? GY: Yes.
Abraham Meles Teklu - Review of reconstruction anomalies
Time tick cut of 1 is removing a lot of low energy events.
CJV: We are not selecting events that have just one voxels, correct? AMT: No, we require at least two voxels. CJV: Anyway, if we have only one voxel we can say that the linearity is one and keep those events. DL: Linearity definition needs two voxels.
A long discussion about the selection of the single voxel and the possible problem caused by lowering the threshold: selecting single voxel, i.e. lowering the threshold would make the detector systematics much more pronounced.
We might try to study further the xtalk by varying the simulation