The Radiation to Electronics (R2E) project provides crucial support for radiation tolerant developments throughout the ATS sector, while ensuring the harmonization and quality control of the related procedure. Despite the significant progress in the overall R2E performance of the LHC from Run 1 to Run 2, critical challenges lay ahead with respect to guaranteeing a compliant radiation...
We will briefly present the requirements and constraints that drive the need for an R2E approach for radiation tolerant development and qualification of accelerator systems. A special focus is set on the radiation sensitivity of COTS components (and variability thereof).
The R2E project generates many results of interest to the enlarged radiation effects community and catalyses synergies with other domains (especially aerospace). An overview of the multiple running collaborations where the R2E project is playing a critical role will be presented, with focus on European projects and knowledge transfer activities.
In addition to data from radiation monitors, FLUKA simulations are a critical tool to predict the radiation levels on electronic equipment at the LHC and in other CERN accelerators, transfer lines, and facilities. This talk presents an overview of the most relevant results, focusing on the HL-LHC radiation level specifications recently included in a comprehensive document.
An overview of the Radiation Working Group (RadWG) mandate, activities and projects fulfilled by the BE-CEM-EPR section will be presented. The qualification protocol, guidelines and documents from component to system-level will be discussed as well as the different radiation facilities that can be used for this purpose.
The Radiation to Materials initiative at CERN has the following goals: coordinate irradiation tests of non-metallic materials in external facilities and provide internal support to select radiation resistant components for use in high radiation areas. Future plans include experimental studies to improve the understanding of radiation damage mechanisms.
The Distributed Optical Fibre Radiation Sensors are systems recently deployed in the accelerator complex (PSB and PS during Run 2, and SPS and parts of LHC, during LS2).
With such systems, we monitor the distributed radiation levels in the accelerators with a ~1m spatial resolution, hence providing critical inputs to the Monitoring & Calculation Working Group. In this presentation, we will...
The main goal of the High-Level Dosimetry (HLD) at CERN is to determine the radiation levels at equipment located in the accelerator complex, hence contributing to the evaluation of their radiation lifetime. The HLD activities, previously performed by the Radiation Protection group, are in process of transfer to the R2E project. The monitoring of the accumulated dose can be carried out with...
Over the recent R2E irradiation campaigns, a new silicon diode setup proved to be a crucial tool in radiation environment characterization and validations of Monte-Carlo simulations. In this talk, a short description of the detector system will be given, along with highlights of the results and outlook for further development.
Guidelines for system-level testing of space equipment tested at CHARM were developed, highlighting potentials and limitations of such a solution for high-risk acceptance space missions. The achieved work can be of direct application to commercial systems used at CERN. The follow-up work will delve into the standardization of system-level testing for accelerator equipment covering the full...
Neutrons with energies between 0.1-10 MeV can significantly impact the Soft Error Rate (SER) in SRAMs and other microelectronics manufactured in scaled technologies, with respect to high-energy neutrons. Experimental measurements benchmarked with Monte Carlo simulations showed that neutrons with these energies can induce more than 60% of the overall upset rate in accelerator applications.
The latest comparisons between the measurements of the radiation detectors and the simulated values using the FLUKA code are presented. The focus is on the benchmarks for the LHC for the Total Ionising Dose (TID) recorded by the Beam Loss Monitors (BLMs) in discrete locations of IP1 and IP5, and by the Optical Fibre as a continuous passive measurement in the Dispersion Suppressor of IP1, as...
Our R&D activity targets the development of versatile radiation sensors to address environments typical of accelerators and space. In this presentation, we report the main scientific results on radioluminescence-based radiation sensing in optical fibres, showing the performances offered by this technology as well as the temperature dependence of the sensors response.
Lubrication problems in radiation areas at CERN and insufficient data for a reliable lubricant selection during design have highlighted the need to improve knowledge of radiation effects in oils and greases. R2M are preparing experimental studies to verify the radiation resistance of promising products identified via theoretical considerations and literature.
The BatMON is a wireless, battery-powered radiation monitoring system for particle accelerators. The system is based on radiation qualified COTS that allow the device to survive in radiation areas. The system can measure TID and High-Energy Hadron and Thermal Neutron fluences, thanks to the Floating-Gate dosimeter and SRAMs embedded on the sensor mezzanine.
Data are saved in a non-volatile...
With the upgrade of the HL-LHC, a certain number of systems require more radiation-tolerant FPGAs, especially against TID. In this presentation will be presented some promising results for CERN applications from radiation campaigns performed on two FPGAs: NGMedium from NanoXplore and PolarFire from Microsemi.
In addition to its regular operation with protons on a copper target, the CHARM facility was successfully exploited in Run 2 during heavy ion runs, requiring a dedicated effort to calibrate the instruments that measure the beam intensity in the facility. The results of these measurements are presented for the 2018 Pb ion campaign, highlighting the main conclusions and limitations.
In the framework of the heavy ion accelerator program, the CHARM facility has been exploited to investigate the effect of Ultra High Energy (UHE, >5 GeV/n) Heavy Ions on electronics. Testing at UHE provides important information on the Radiation Hardness Assurance of the component, however a few facilities allows such high energies (5.9 GeV/n for Pb-ions). In this context, a suitable...
The R2E project has explored the use of several irradiation facilities in Europe that can provide complementary and supplementary radiation testing coverage to CHARM mixed-field testing and PSI high-energy proton testing. This includes thermal, intermediate and high-energy neutron facilities as well as proton, heavy ion and pion facilities.
Accelerated terrestrial neutron irradiations were performed on commercial SiC power MOSFETs with planar, trench and double-trench architectures. Enhanced gate and drain leakage were observed in some devices which did not exhibit a destructive failure during the exposure. Failure cross-sections and FIT rates are discussed for the three architectures.
Wide bandgap power components are known for their resistance to both cumulative radiation damage and SEE, especially when compared to their silicon counterparts, and hence making them promising candidates for radiation tolerant accelerator systems. In this presentation, we show preliminary results of GaN power components recently tested with atmospheric neutrons at ChipIr (UK).
Beam Position Monitoring (BPM) systems are deployed throughout the accelerator complex at CERN. In some cases, their front-end electronics are exposed to high levels of radiation. This presentation focuses on the status and outlook of R2E developments related to BPM front-end electronics, including DAQ and data communication.
RaToPUS is a 100W radiation-tolerant switched-mode AC/DC power supply compatible with CompactPCI-Serial standard. It is designed as part of the Distributed I/O Tier project to be used in radiation-exposed installations of the HL-LHC. This talk will present the design highlights and status of its development and testing.
The DI/OT rad-tol System Board is an Igloo2-based CPCI-S FMC carrier that controls the DI/OT crate in radiation-exposed applications. Its specifications, component selection, and development status will be outlined, followed by a brief discussion of the PSI irradiation results of the MoniMod monitoring and fan control module.
The LHC beam dumping system has critical importance for LHC safety. High Voltage (HV) semiconductors used in extraction and dilution generators operates at up to 28 kV and are potentially exposed to high-energy hadrons leaking from the tunnel. Mitigation measures aiming reduction of the R2E failure rate to the required level are described.
We will provide an overview of the ongoing progress and plans to increase radiation tolerance of all MPE-MI equipment impacted by radiation, according to the recent R2E radiation level specification. In particular, we will cover the WIC and PIC systems and the User Interface unit (CIBU) connected to the BIS.
The growth in the commercial space sector has been fueled by drastic launch cost reductions and functionality provided by aggressive and persistent technology scaling. We consider two major challenges to the “New Space” sector: Managing manufacturing variation in COTS devices AND radiation test strategies with limited schedule and budgets.