2–3 Feb 2021
Europe/Zurich timezone

Floating Gate Dosimeter: sensitivity characterization and heavy ion response

2 Feb 2021, 17:00
https://cern.zoom.us/j/66443962012?pwd=M08zTDR4U3ZDdTYwbk9vclBPNllJQT09 (Zoom)




Matteo Brucoli (CERN)


The Floating Gate Dosimeters (FGDOS) is now approaching its first deployment in the new wireless IoT system for radiation monitoring, called BatMON. In order to further improve the accuracy of the measurement, its radiation response has been investigated in detail to determine the cause of the sensitivity drift. A compensation method has been developed and tested by performing experiments and evaluating its efficiency.

The peculiar working principle of the sensor makes it a good candidate for auxiliar applications. Dedicated radiation test campaigns have been performed to investigate the radiation response of the sensor to heavy ions. In particular, the capability of the FGDOS to work as single ion detector has been demonstrate at the UNILAC facility of GSI (Germany).

Presentation materials