Beam Position Monitoring (BPM) systems are deployed throughout the accelerator complex at CERN. In some cases, their front-end electronics are exposed to high levels of radiation. This presentation focuses on the status and outlook of R2E developments related to BPM front-end electronics, including DAQ and data communication.
RaToPUS is a 100W radiation-tolerant switched-mode AC/DC power supply compatible with CompactPCI-Serial standard. It is designed as part of the Distributed I/O Tier project to be used in radiation-exposed installations of the HL-LHC. This talk will present the design highlights and status of its development and testing.
The DI/OT rad-tol System Board is an Igloo2-based CPCI-S FMC carrier that controls the DI/OT crate in radiation-exposed applications. Its specifications, component selection, and development status will be outlined, followed by a brief discussion of the PSI irradiation results of the MoniMod monitoring and fan control module.
The LHC beam dumping system has critical importance for LHC safety. High Voltage (HV) semiconductors used in extraction and dilution generators operates at up to 28 kV and are potentially exposed to high-energy hadrons leaking from the tunnel. Mitigation measures aiming reduction of the R2E failure rate to the required level are described.
We will provide an overview of the ongoing progress and plans to increase radiation tolerance of all MPE-MI equipment impacted by radiation, according to the recent R2E radiation level specification. In particular, we will cover the WIC and PIC systems and the User Interface unit (CIBU) connected to the BIS.