AI in business workshop #1: Why every industry cares so much about AI and how companies approach it – insights from industry use cases and projects
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Companies heavily invest into and build up projects around data and artificial intelligence/ machine learning/ deep learning. In this interactive session, CERN Knowledge Transfer (KT) would like to provide first-hand insights from industry and discuss examples of the kind of activities companies pursue to create value from AI.
We will address questions such as:
The event will be structured in 45’ presentation followed by 15’ Q&A. Interactive discussion during the presentation is strongly encouraged.
About the speaker: Paul Hientz has worked at Accenture with a focus on Data and AI strategy, advising multinational companies on how to become more AI-driven and improve business performance through data. Leveraging his experience from industry, he is now working with CERN Knowledge Transfer to extend the value proposition for AI and help CERN engage in interesting partnerships with companies and institutes.
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Annalisa Mastroserio
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Ava Lee
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Ben Nachman
Bruna Pascual Dias
Carlos Chavez Barajas
Caterina Doglioni
Charanjit Kaur
Christoph Hasse
Christopher Viana Lima
Christos Vergis
Cristian Schuszter
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Daniel Alejandro Perez Navarro
Daniel Walter
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Dirk Krucker
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Eduardo Rodrigues
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Elena Fol
Emanuele Usai
Eric Grancher
Esmaeel Eskandari
Evangelos Kourlitis
Federica Legger
Ferdinand Schenck
Filip Siroky
Filipe Ramos
Francesco Giordano
Frank Sauerburger
Gabriella Azzopardi
Hale Sert
Han Hubert Dols
Hannu Siikonen
Harvey Newman
Hasib Md
Hassane Hamdaoui
Hossein Afsharnia
Hwi Dong Yoo
Ioannis Stathopoulos
Ivo Amador
Jakob Salfeld-Nebgen
Jakub Moscicki
Jakub Warmuz
Janina Anna Krzysiak
Jaroslava Schovancova
Jean-Roch Vlimant
Jelena Jovicevic
Johannes Josef Junggeburth
Jonatan Raul Vignatti Munoz
Jose Manuel Clavijo Columbie
K.C. Kong
Kacper Bilko
Katharina Dort
Kelvin Mei
Konstantinos Samaras-Tsakiris
Kristiane Sylvia Bernhard-Novotny
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Leonid Didukh
Liliana Teodorescu
Lorenzo Moneta
Manisha Manisha
Marco Rossi
Mareike Meyer
Margaret Lazarovits
Maria Amodeo
Maria Moreno Llacer
Mario Campanelli
Martin Adam
Mathieu Saccani
Mats Joakim Robert Olsson
Matteo Barbetti
Matthew Bishara
Maurizio Pierini
Maxime Noel Pierre Vandegar
Maxx Richard Rahman
Meirin Oan Evans
Michal Ciesielczyk
Michal Maciejewski
Mohamed Belfkir
Mridupawan Deka
Myriam Ayass
Nicholas Luongo
Nick Ziogas
Nicola Rubini
Nikos Papakyprianou
Nilotpal Kakati
Nils Høimyr
Oguz Vuruskaner
Olaf Nackenhorst
Oleksandr Viazlo
Olga Chuchuk
Ouail Kitouni
Ourania Sidiropoulou
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Paolo Mastrandrea
Paul Hientz
Paulo Gomes
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Pawel Misiorek
Pedro Lourenco
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Piotr Jan Seweryn
Piotr Krzysztof Skowronski
Predrag Milenovic
Priyanka Dasgupta
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Rafael Teixeira De Lima
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Ricardo Brito Da Rocha
Riccardo Paramatti
Rishabh Uniyal
Roberta Volpe
Roman Stoklasa
Sam Kaveh
Sara Morales Vigo
Sebastian Lopienski
Sebastian Zontek
Sebastien Rettie
Serena Palazzo
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Silje Uhlen Maurset
Sitong An
Sjing-Ge Shiu
Sofia Vallecorsa
Soyeon Choi
Suman Chatterjee
Sunil Kumar
Tatjana Lenz
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Thea Aarrestad
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Tiansu Yu
Tim Bell
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Ulrich Schwickerath
Vasileios Belis
Veronica Sanz Gonzalez
Viacheslav Kubytskyi
Victor Lohezic
Vinicius Massami Mikuni
Vladimir Loncar
Xavier Coubez
Xavier Vilasis Cardona
Yavar Yeganeh
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Éric Aquaronne
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