Compute Accelerator Forum - SYCL, HLS4ML
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Heterogeneous Modern C++ using Khronos SYCL and oneAPI
What is the plan for non-C++ language support ? OpenCL handled this reasonably well by virtue of being a C API which you could bind to any language of your choosing, but as SyCL is forking away from OpenCL to avoid dying along with it (see e.g. CUDA backends, oneAPI Zero…), it raises the question of what unified backend other popular programming languages like Java, C#, Python, Julia, Rust, Go… will be able to use in order to program GPUs, FPGAs, and so on. Binding to a C API is easy, binding to C++ that is preprocessed by a special SyCL compiler sounds… unpleasant. [Hadrien Grasland]
For a poor-man’s “pySYCL”, something like cppyy may help [Vince]
Is OpenCL really dying ? Open source driver implementations are emerging. POCL, intel, nvidia and amd runtimes, as well as pyopencl, work really well these days. [Riccardo]
There is a oneAPI MatterMost channel for those who wish to discuss sycl. [Laurence]
Can you put the link? [Graeme]
- [Laurence]
This redirects to a error for me, maybe the team is not publicly accessible? [Hadrien]
Compiler backends: all llvm-based? What does "openMP" mean - source generator? [Axel]