4–10 Feb 2021
Europe/Zurich timezone

Oxygen beams and LHCb: prospects of collisions with fixed-targets

9 Feb 2021, 17:05
Zoom (CERN)




Giacomo Graziani (INFN, Sezione di Firenze (IT))


The LHCb experiment has the unique possibility, among the LHC
experiments, to be operated in fixed target mode using its internal gas
target. After reviewing the results achieved so far in the fixed target
configuration, we will discuss prospects for the incoming run, where,
thanks to the upgraded target system, a significant improvement in
luminosity and a wider choice of the target gas are expected.
The possibility of running with oxygen beams offers novel possibilities
for nuclear and astroparticle physics. In particular, collisions of O beams
on a hydrogen target can provide measurements of identified charged
particle production up to very forward rapidity in the O nucleus rest frame.

Presentation materials