Introduction to Masterclasses for Particle Physicists
In this event, participants can try out data measurements and get a taste from new Masterclasses. We offer Masterclasses on the following topics: Belle II e+e- collider experiment at KEK, DarkSide experiment at Gran Sasso, MINERvA neutrino experiment at Fermilab, a Particle Therapy Masterclass, and a web-based version of ALICE Strangeness. Learning groups are guided by Masterclass experts. There are two successive 45-minute sessions; participants can come to one or both.
These Masterclass measurements are primarily intended for groups of high school students in International Masterclasses, a program of the International Particle Physics Outreach Group, and are used in more than 60 countries worldwide each year.
Registration for Introductory Masterclasses
Ariane Frey
Aris Mamaras
Benjamin Dedic
Carmen Richter
Damir Skrijelj
Daniele De Gruttola
Despina Hatzifotiadou
Domenik Ehlert
Janna Vischer
Josef Juran
Juliane Volkmer
Karol Adamczyk
Kate Shaw
Katerina Jarkovska
Katharina Mueller
Katrin Link
Kazuo Tanaka
Kenneth William Cecire
Krzysztof Wieslaw Wozniak
Lucia Härer
Marco Garbini
Marcus Mikorski
Matteo Pisano
Mauricio Suarez
Michael Kobel
Mirwat Shamshad
Moritz Springer
Natascha Krammer
Patricia Rebello Teles
Pedro Abreu
Ricardo Barrué
Rok Pestotnik
Ronja Hetzel
Sarah Aretz
Shane Wood
Spencer Pasero
Thomas Kuhr
Uta Bilow
WIebke Kött