SoC Committee Meeting
- Minutes of meeting of DEC 1.
- Next SoG IG meeting FEB 16, 2021.
- Working group on CentOS7/aarch64 for SoC.
- SoC Workshop in JUN 1-3, 2021:
* Vendor presentations: Enclustra, Trenz, Xilinx, ...
* Reports: ATLAS, CMS, beams, ...
* Common issues: support for OS, booting, security, ...
* One correction to the minutes of the meeting of Dec1, concerning Marc, Diana, and Revital to look into options of purchasing ARM-based servers.
Action: Ralf to put the minutes on web site.
Action: Marc to remind IT that we would like to have a written document on the CERN-IT support for CentOS/aarch64.
- Next SoG IG meeting FEB 16, 2021, 15.00:
* The date of the next meeting of the SoC interest group was confirmed.
Action: Ralf to send an email to the SoC IG group.
- Working groups on ATLAS sysadmin activities and on CentOS7/aarch64 for SoC
* Ralf reported that a kick-off meeting of the ATLAS sysadmins and L1CT team had taken place, and that a new Discourse forum had been created with two categories for sysadmin issues and for discussion on CentOS.
- SoC Workshop in JUN 1-3, 2021:
* The date of the SoC workshop was discussed.The week of 7-11 June seems to fit better.
* The format was discussed: vendor presentations, reports and common issues.
* For vendor presentations we would like to get contributions from Xilinx, Intel, Enclustra, Trenz. Time for the presentations could be between 40 and 60 minutes including Q&A, it could be 30 minutes presentation and 30 minutes Q&A. Questions might be prepared and shared with presenters beforehand. The presentations should not require signing an NDA, and woould not be recorded.
Action: Ralf to contact J. Evans for help and contacts. Revital to contact E. Hazen for establishing contact with Enclustra.
* In order to get many contributions from the US, the sessions will take place only during the afternoon, leaving the mornings for possible tutorials or other topical meetings. In order to have enough time, the workshop will be extended from Monday to Friday.
* A tutorial on "How to get started with an SoC in the experiment" could be prepared. Aspects concerning the IPMC will be possibly included.
Action: Ralf to check with M. Joos on the xTCA interest group meeting.
Action: Ralf to draft a skeleton agenda using excel.
- Next meeting of the organising committee:
* The next meeting will take place Thursday, Jan 14 at 14.00
Action: Ralf to send a reminder.