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Discussion on DMWG analytical reinterpretation (spin=1,0)


Zoom room:

Password: 1234

  • For scalar and pseudoscalar, make equivalent plots to Andreas’s but with totally different couplings, e.g. up to 0.1
  • Doing fraction of width instead of coupling could put these plots on the same footing?
  • Scanning mediator mass axis with an LO cross section isn’t necessarily good (Phil) - but then no one really scans in that direction anyway. We could state it explicitly though.
  • Should make 1D with fixed mDM/mMED ratio
    • Convention from light dark matter people is a ratio instead of mDM=1, we should do that. Z axis is mu, y axis is coupling. This is a nice way of showing a scan of all the interesting quantities at once.
    • Fig 6 here: release something in this format for comparison
    • Why the 1/3 ratio? Didn’t want to focus on on-shell effects bc if you get too close to resonance the relic line moves (and there would be physics consequences)
  • Do we want to do something with NLO?
    • ATLAS results I’m comparing to are NLO * (LO/LO). Phil: this is probably good enough, we can follow up with Priscilla and/or Debora Pinna
    • Standardise the approach? Both collaborations have agreed to do the same thing, we need to check what it is.
    • Write down a list of cases where we think it can break down and do a few checks



Document conclusions

  • Show the method works
  • Show validation
  • End with some nice plots showing how we use it. These can include:
    • Light-DM style plots described by Phil above (diagonal below + above off-shell, visible and MET+X)
    • “Combined” LHC style plots with visible and MET+X both


Physics beyond colliders report has most recent version of the draft:

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