sFGD beam test analysis

    • 17:00 17:20
      Collimator comparison in 2020 LANL data 20m
      Speaker: Ciro Riccio (Stony Brook University (US))
    • 17:20 17:30
      Meeting Minutes 10m
      Speaker: Dr Ciro Riccio (Stony Brook University (US))

      Attendees: Guang Yang (GY), Ciro Riccio (CR), Chang Kee Jung (CKJ), Thorsten Lux (TL), Shih-Kai Lin (SL), Vittorio Paolone (VP), Neha Panchal (NP), Abraham Teklu (AT), Alex Ramirez (AR), Andriaseta Sitraka (AS), Christopher Mauger (CM), Cesar Jesus Valls (CJV), David Last (DL), Eric Chong (EC), Jordi Capo (JC)  

      Ciro Riccio - Collimator comparison in 2020 LANL data

      • CKJ: The resolution for X and Y distribution is not very informative. The sigma gives by the fit is already a measure of the spread of the beam. CR: You are right. I will post the updated slides.
      • GY: The take-home message is that it is complicated to align more than 1 collimators, the 1 mm collimators are 10 cm long, so we would need more than one collimator if we want to reduce the spread. For this reason, we will use only one collimator.
      • To-do: check the spread for neutrons below 100 MeV also in case of 7 mm collimator.