MARP meeting 30

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      Risk assessment for SM18 cluster
      Speaker: Borja Fernandez Adiego (CERN)

      The design and development of the Safety Instrumented System for the SM18 cluster F project was presented in the following RAS WG meeting: 

      As a consequence, in this MARP meeting we discussed about the potential issue we have when tuning the FMEA parameters for personnel and machine protection to estimate the necessary SIL target for each Safety Function.

      The IEC 61511 and IEC 61508 are quite clear to assign values to the personnel-related risks. However for machine protection it really depends on the perception of each company or organization of the tolerable risk.

      Andrea, from the MPE group, provided to us a proposal to tune the FMEA parameters for machine protection for the SM18 projects, based on their experience on the LHC. 

      The current version of the FMEA includes this proposal for machine protection. However it triggered our attention that the safety constrains for machine protection are much higher than for personnel protection. We are currently reviewing this approach and we will soon decide if we apply it or we need to redefine the scale for these type of projects.

      Attached the current and preliminary version of the FMEA. 

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      IMA Stuttgart collaboration for reliability analyses - how to continue
      Speaker: Andrea Apollonio (CERN)
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      Hochschule Esslingen: failure prognostics
      Speaker: Andrea Apollonio (CERN)
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      SMART Linac4 project description update
      Speakers: Andrea Apollonio (CERN), Luigi Serio (CERN)