WLCG AuthZ Call
Proposed agenda:
- Announcements/Info
- ARC collaboration, waiting on data transfer Token Workflow doc - what do we need to do here?
- vCHEP Submission
- IAM Users Meeting
- Discussions:
- id token claim for use by vault with kerberos (Dave and Andrea)
- Use cases for Groups vs Capabilities vs Mixed authorisation
- Decided last time that a new scope was required to select a set of capabilities, possibly e.g. wlcg.capabilityset:production
- https://github.com/WLCG-AuthZ-WG/common-jwt-profile/pull/10
- Ongoing points:
- Plan for VOMS Admin deprecation (Andrea to add Dates)
- IAM support migration to CERN IT-CDA (Hannah, in progress)
- ATLAS IAM progress
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Meeting ID: 947 1885 7994
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Participants: Hannah, Andrea, DavidC, DavidK, Brian, Dave, Enrico, Irwin, Jeffrey, Jeny, Jim, Julie, Maarten, Mischa, Petr, Marco
- We already have defined workflows for other software, we probably need to involved them in the DOMA group
- We should understand whether they need anything non standard, e.g. exchange
- https://www.nordugrid.org/arc/arc6/misc/oidc_tokens.html
- Probably similar to e.g. HTCondor work, mostly done in the US
- Need discussion on which scopes should be required
- Future Hackathon to focus on token propagation workflow
- We should have a future meeting where HTCondor etc present
- DaveD to submit on command line
- Andrea to submit contribution on IAM evolution
- CERN SSO team submitting as well (could include WLCG IAM instances)
- What’s left?
- Bearer token discovery
- Token flows for managed data transfer (DOMA TPC)
- IAM Users Meeting https://indico.cern.ch/event/970568/
- ID Token Claim for Kerberos
- You need a claim from an OIDC token to map to a kerberos identifier
- Must be unique and can map
- For CiLogon have created a new claim called vault.uid (possibly better to rename, easy to change)
- At Fermilab also want to be able to map to robot principals. uid/something/something
- CiLogon token issuer is removing @fnal.gov when token is coming from FNAL IdP (robot support)
- We need something similar for CERN, CERN SSO must forward an identifier that IAM can forward inside tokens (i.e. hshort@cern.ch)
- Probably best unique ID is coupling of issuer + subject
- Suggestion for vault to store a mapping to go from uniqueID to kerberos claim, not rely on the claim being the same as the kerberos principle directly
- CERN SSO should release a claim that contains the kerberos principal (only for valid users)
- preferred_username is not a good choice for a persistent claim (From https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#StandardClaims "The RP MUST NOT rely upon this value being unique, as discussed in Section 5.7.")
- Current system propagates HR name changes (e.g. middle name removal) which causes bugs down stream with DNs
- Capability Set PR
- Need a few lines on motivation (i.e. client doesn't know which scopes to request, perhaps scopes are templated for the user)
- May not be trivial to implement
- How to remove scopes? Suggest that should not be included as rather complicated
- Deduplication
- What happens if issuer doesn't understand the capability set? How can we let the user know that the capability set was not granted fully?
- Capability set coming back as an aggregate might be a future point to discuss
- Jim - we also need to define the iss claim (complex in multi VO issuer)
- Comment from Brian, can we avoid using WLCG in schema? (for next time)
- Hannah start Google doc to gather thoughts on token propagation workflows (done)
- Hannah to start CE scope requirement discussion on Github (done)
- Brian send URL about how to contribute to Globus retirement
- Hannah set up Overleaf for vCHEP submission (done)
- Andrea forward IAM Users Meeting invitation
- Hannah, DaveD and Andrea set up CERN SSO claim that can contain kerberos principal, and define claim name
- DaveD add examples/motivation for why capability set needed, e.g. production role, multi-VO issuer
- DaveD to add grammar rules for capability set
- Hannah send update on IAM transition to CERN progress (done)
- Hannah schedule next call